10- Soft, Rough; Who Cares?

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For some reason, no matter what happened, Jenna's bed was always comforting to rest in. My entire body was sore all over, but Jenna had her arm around me. My hair was a mess, but her face was buried in it while she slept. I was part of a three-way, but it all felt amazing. I didn't want to move (and it wasn't necessarily that I didn't want to, just that I couldn't) so I laid there in Jenna's arms anyway.

Alissa must have either left for good, or taken a shower or something, because when I woke up it was just me and Jenna. Cuddling in her bed, sharing body warmth beneath her blankets. My ass kind of hurt from Jenna grabbing it.

At some point after the things we'd done, Jenna must have given me one of her shirts to wear. It was just a button-up, maybe a size or two too big on me, but it was comfortable and it smelled like that cherry blossom perfume she always wore. The thought of it made me smell the shirt again and smile.

Jenna began to move beside me, tightening her arm around my body and kissing my neck. She mumbled something against my skin. The smile on my face widened.

"Are you gonna sleep in?" I asked. She let out a tired laugh.

"Isn't it still the afternoon?" she asked.

"Something like that. It's getting dark."

She kissed my neck a few more times. Then she traced her index finger over certain parts of my neck, and my collarbone. "Nice hickeys."

I laughed and rolled over onto my back, seeing that she was staring down at me. She brought her hand up to set it on my face.

"You're so beautiful," she said under her breath. My face heated up at her words. "Wow..." The corners of her mouth twitched up into a quick smile, her hands on my legs. For once it was nothing sexual; she was rubbing my thighs in a comforting way, always stopping at a certain point. It was reassuring. I felt safe here.

She kissed my forehead and crawled out of bed. I decided to start to get up, too, when Alissa walked back into the bedroom. She had changed into a pair of clothes that I'm guessing were Jenna's since they were a little big on her. She gave me a sympathetic smile.

"Hey, look, kid, I'm sorry," she said. I furrowed my eyebrows at her. "I didn't know about you. If I did, I wouldn't have done anything, I swear. I mean, you are pretty great in bed, so I see why Jenna can't keep her hands off you. I just didn't know you two were actually a thing."

I laughed. "We're not a thing... Jenna and I have a weird relationship."

Alissa smiled. "I could say the same. So could any other girl Jenna brings home. She just acts differently around you. You may think it's the norm, but I see the way she looks at you. She doesn't look at anyone that way. She looks at you like you're her most prized possession. She holds you the same way."

My heart was doing funny things, like it was trying to beat faster than it could take as the butterflies began swarming in the pit of my stomach. Alissa gave me another smile and left the room. A few seconds later, the front door closed.

Everything felt so weird to me. Jenna didn't have any attraction to me except sexual reasons. She obviously didn't have real feelings for me, nothing romantic, purely sexual. It wasn't the same with me, though. I wanted so much more than just sex with her.

"Hey, gorgeous." I looked up from the floor at the sound of Jenna's accent. Her in muscle tees and skinny jeans was extremely attractive, I have to admit, and with a backwards baseball cap. She was so perfect. "Did Alissa leave?"

I nodded, and then she was wrapping her arms around my body. I always just melted against her without hesitation. Jenna didn't waste another moment before leaning down to kiss my neck. Her hands began running along my thighs, beneath the shirt I was wearing, until she could play with the fabric of my underwear.

"You know, I think about you a lot," she hummed into my ear. I stumbled, nearly melting into a puddle in her arms.

"I think about you, too," I said. She was kissing my neck again, so breathing was difficult. Then she lightly laid me on the bed before following, laying on her side enough that she wasn't entirely on top of me, but enough to kiss my neck.

"I think about you when I go to sleep, when I wake up. When I'm cooking, when I'm drinking, when I'm talking. I think about you when I work out, when I shower, when I'm laying in bed." I bit my lip at the thought of Jenna thinking about me in the shower. I was just biting my lip at the thought of Jenna in the shower, period. That water running down her body. "I can't get you out of my head, but I don't know why. All we do is fuck until you can't fuck anymore, until you're too exhausted to keep orgasming all over my bed. Have I ever told you how hot it is when you come? The face you make...I get so weak. It makes me want to fuck you harder." Her fingers were tracing patterns on my underwear now, trying to make the fabric wet so she'd win. She was just trying to win.

"Why're you so silent, Taylor?" she asked into my ear. She lightly bit my earlobe, making me jump, but it felt kind of good. I couldn't help but let out a small moan. "I don't like you being silent...I like hearing your moans, and you screaming for me to do more to you. There's so much I can do to you, if you really want me to."

I swallowed the lump in my throat. Jenna smirked and I grabbed her hand that was between my legs. She gave me the confused puppy look as I moved her hand away and sat up.

"What's wrong?" she asked. "I thought you liked when I talked dirty to you."

"I do," I said, and let out a breathy laugh. "You wouldn't believe how much I like that." Jenna grinned and tried to move her hand between my legs again, but I stopped her. "Just...doesn't this seem like it's going too fast? I mean, for God's sake, we can't get through a day without fucking three times." She chuckled now, and leaned over to kiss my neck. "Stop...that makes it harder to not give in to you. You're like the Devil in disguise. Or the fucking demon of lust... Why can't I push you away?"

Her hand was between my legs again, but I didn't push her away this time. My breath caught in my throat as she began touching me through the fabric. "Because you don't want to push me away," she said against my skin. "If you didn't want to be a 'friends with benefits' kind of thing, you would've left when you wanted to a few days ago. You would've stopped me at Kohl's, you would've stopped me in the bar bathroom, and you would've stopped me at the gym. Now here we are, actually fucking somewhere nice, and now you're telling me you don't want to do this? You're just scared something's gonna go wrong. And I know you like me. I know you want more than sex. That's why you want to stop all this meaningless fucking. But this is what I do, Taylor. And you know that."

I sighed. I did know that, but I couldn't help having feelings for Jenna. It was just so weird that I would keep all those feelings for her even after she's told me multiple times that she doesn't want to be in a romantic relationship.

She looked up at me and gave me that cute smile. I couldn't help myself; I had to smile back. Her smile always melted my heart. Then she moved up closer to my face, pushing me back down so she could hover above me.

"Is this almost how you imagined it?" she asked softly. She smiled again as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Imagined what?"

"This..." She leaned down closer to me, so I closed my eyes. My heart was pounding in my chest the closer I felt her get, and then I felt it. I felt those soft lips on mine. I'd become so familiar with the way her lips felt that I knew instantly. She tasted minty, like she'd recently brushed her teeth.

I slowly brought my hands up to her neck, holding on and not wanting to let her go. I loved the feeling the kiss was giving me in the pit of my stomach, so I held on tighter. Her lips were so soft, but at the same time a little rough, as though the skin was a little peeled in some places. But I knew her lips were perfect, since I was staring at them all the time.

She pulled away breathlessly, still pecking my lips and the rest of my skin. I couldn't do anything but let her move the shirt so she could kiss more of me, since the kiss had made my body freeze. I kissed Jenna McDougall.

"Is this what it feels like when you're in Heaven?" I asked dreamily. Her lips were on my waist, her fingers tracing patterns on my hipbones.

"Doubt it," she replied. "But it's gotta be pretty damn close."

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