Challenge of the Samurai

Start from the beginning

[Both Pikachu and Striker charges at each other with Quick Attack which knocks them both back.]

Lexus:Try a Tackle attack!"

[Tauros  jumps at Pikachu]

Green:Pikachu, dodge and use Slam!

[Pikachu jumps to the right to avoid Striker attack. She then hits Eevee with Slam which makes Eevee skids back]

Lexus:How about this? Striker, use Sand Attack!

[Striker recovers from the attack and begins to kick sand at Pikachu which gets into her eyes]

Green:Oh no, Pikachu!

Pikachu:Pika! [cried Pikachu as she couldn't see]

Lexus:We got you now, Green." [She said with a smirk ]Now Striker, use your Tackle.

[Tauros charges in and tackles Pikachu which sends her skidding on the ground].


Lexus:Now another Quick Attack!

[Eevee charges in with Quick Attack and hits Pikachu causing her damage.]

Pikachu:Pika pi [she said in pain]

Green:Pikachu, listen. You may be blinded, but don't worry. I'll be your eyes. Do you trust me?

Pikachu:Pikachu pika. [Green's Pikachu said as she nods her head].

Lexus:Striker, use your Tackle again!

[Striker charges at Pikachu].

Green:Pikachu, dodge to the left and then Slam to the right!

[Pikachu did what her trainer said. As Striker got close, Pikachu dodges to the left, and then turns to the right and slams Striker much to Lexus's surprise.]

Green:Whoa!" [gasped Green]

Green:Good job! Now turn forward and use your Thundershock!

[Pikachu turned forward where Striker is and then unleashes Thundershock which zaps Striker leaving him paralyzed and charred].

Green:Now Pikachu, charge forward and use Quick Attack!

[Pikachu charges forward with Quick Attack and knocks Striker away. Striker falls to the ground with swirls in it's eyes.]

Lexus:Striker! [yelled Lexus as she ran over and kneels down.]

Green:Alright! We won the first match! Good work, Pikachu!

Pikachu:Pi Pikachu [said Pikachu although she was still blinded]

[Bulbasaur happily cheered his teamate very proud ].

[Lexus checks up on her Pokemon striker].

Lexus:Striker, are you alright?

Striker:Ros [Striker said weakly. Lexus smiled].

Lexus:It's okay, Striker. You tried your best. Take a rest. [she said as she recalls Striker back into his ball and stood up].

Lexus:I gotta say, Green. It was impressive how you guided your Pikachu like that after we blinded her. Green:Why thank you, Lexus. You weren't too bad yourself with your Tauros  [complimented Green as Lexus giggles at this].

Lexus:Thank you. Time for my second Pokémon. [Lexus said as she drew her next Poké Ball ]Time my main star Tauros, I choose you!

[She throws the Poké Ball and another Tauros comes out this one looking more fiercer ready for a fight ].

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