8. A Love Spell

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Rowan tries not to stare at her excessively as they walk into the building but it proved to be a very difficult task as he realized the past few days. The yellow dress she was wearing made his chest feel warm and his heart beat a little faster. He found himself avoiding holding eye contact or even looking in her general direction sometimes because her smile was too bright, he couldn't focus at what he was saying if he looked into her warm brown eyes. They were magical, he was convinced that this girl has somehow cast a spell on him.

She didn't need much though, all she needed were her doe eyes and bright smile, and that's it, he was a goner.

He had accidentally blurted to Jamie about her after he first saw her at that store. But he was slightly going crazy without telling anyone, the way she thanked him, her cute rambling, that damn fucking smile. He couldn't take it. It kept replaying in his mind over and over again until he felt as if he was losing his mind.

Jamie came to him a few days later telling him he had found a student intern, which made Rowan call him an idiot because they were never looking for interns in the first place. Jamie simply told him he'll see that they do need one when he seer her, and Rowan didn't understand until he walked into Jamie's office to find his little ray of sunshine there.

He was a bit frozen, disbelieving. He hoped it wasn't that obvious and that he didn't creep her out or make her uncomfortable but it was genuinely impossible to not stare at her. His eyes were glued to her face afraid that if he looked away for one second, he'd miss another warm smile, or a cute scrunch of her nose, or worse, a laugh.

After she left, he gave Jamie a smack on the head and reminded him that he was an idiot again. But what was done was done, and his sunshine was looking forward to starting her internship, he couldn't break her heart by telling her the truth.

It took everything in his being not to take her into his arms and keep her there forever on her first day. Every single little thing she did was adorable, Rowan just wanted to take her face between his hands and squish it. No woman has ever made him feel like this before, this intense sense of protection, her cuteness, the sound of her voice. She made his chest warm, and it's been cold and lonely since forever.

And now that he was basked in the warmth her presence provided, he knew he could never go back to that same coldness again. He was addicted to it.

Jamie ignored every warning Rowan threw his way and still did whatever he pleased as he pushed the two of them towards each other further. He was fucking playing match maker and Rowan felt the urge to punch him. What made it worse was that his sunshine was kind of oblivious to it.

He wasn't even gonna be near her area that day, but he used whatever quality time Jamie created for them even though he hated to admit it. He was thankful for Jamie's help because this whole thing was new to him, he never liked a girl like that before and he certainly didn't know how to make 'moves' let alone it being the first move.

Besides, what if she didn't want to spend time with him?

It made him feel slightly insecure and he hated it. He was never bothered that he wasn't like other guys before. He's not outgoing, he didn't have a big group of friends, who needed one at his age anyways. He was cold, distant, and he preferred it that way.

Rowan absolutely loathed small talk, he didn't like pleasantries or compliments, he liked to be straight to the point with no bullshit. He normally preferred the silence, it gave him a nice sense of solitude and content.

But not with her.

God, not with her.

He could listen to her talk nonstop for hours, her little mind was fascinating to him. He wanted to know everything from her favorite color to her deepest darkest secrets but he didn't know how. He tried his best to maintain the conversation between them in the car, but he had no idea how. His responses were too short and brief and he could see his sunshine raking her mind to keep the conversation going.

It made him bite his lip in thought as they entered the elevator together. He wasn't the type of guy who could sweep her off her feet with his charm, and he was well aware of that. It wasn't an insecurity, he knew what he could and couldn't do and wasn't afraid to admit it. But he had to try. He didn't want to live the rest of his life wondering what might have happened if he did or regretting that he never did anything at all.

And he knew deep down, that Sera was the kind of girl who would be remembered forever. So he wanted good memories, no regrets.

He could make slow progress, he'd eventually get there, he thought.

Little did he know, that baby steps from his side were all Sera needed to run to him.

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