VII • The Fight

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Elaena's eyes widened at him as her cousins turned to look at her

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Elaena's eyes widened at him as her cousins turned to look at her.

Rhaena's eyes sharpened at Elaena, and Baela scowled back at Aemond. Jace furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, and Luke looked about in building fear.

"Aemond..." Elaena mumbled softly, formalities escaping her, "What did you do?"

Aemond's smirk did not leave, even as Elaena's cousins glared at him in outrage.

He shrugged and simply said, "What we discussed. Are you ready?"

Elaena gawked at him. Did he not understand how incredible this was? How impossible it was, or she supposed, should have been?!

"You... You..." She couldn't get a sentence out in her shock. His smirk remained at the sight of her awe.

He claimed Vhagar. The oldest, largest dragon in the world. And now he was trying to make due on the promise he'd made her. Her heart nearly exploded in the way her thoughts did.

But her cousins were not as elated. Rhaena looked between the two of them, appalled. Baela squinted at Aemond as his words settled on her.

What we discussed... Did Elaena have a hand in this?

"Vhagar is my mother's dragon!" Baela spat at Aemond.

"Your mother's dead," He replied to the bitter girl, still gazing at Elaena. His tone was far more stoic than when directed at her, and then he trailed his gaze to Baela nonchalantly, "And Vhagar has a new rider now."

"She was mine to claim!" Rhaena growled, her wide eyes building with tears. Elaena's heart started to race as the tension in the air escalated.

She felt a pinch of hurt from Aemond's words, even though they were not meant for her. He sounded so careless, nothing like the boy from the patio.

And yet she couldn't help but be nervous for him. Baela and Rhaena were inching towards him threateningly, and Jace watched in wait.

Oh gods...

"Then you should have claimed her!" Aemond shot back, not cowering from their approach, "Maybe your cousins can find you a pig to ride."

Elaena's heart stopped at the sight of the arrogant gleam in his eye. His smirk was mocking as he tilted his head.

"It would suit you." He added, eyeing Rhaena and shrugging to her. That was all it took. The girl leapt at him, growling in rage as she grabbed him.

All too quickly and carelessly, he pushed her away, sending her to the ground with a whimper. Elaena's eyes lips parted and her heart stuttered as she watched her cousin cry.

Baela didn't hesitate to throw her fist into Aemond's face, taking advantage of his attention on Rhaena. The prince cried out from the blow, falling back. Elaena stepped forward, her throat tightening and keeping her from yelling at them to stop.

Bittersweet • Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now