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The room's door was opened quickly by someone, making Felix jump on the desk chair on which he was sitting, while doing homework, and Seungmin on the blond's bed.

They turned only to see Jisung throw himself dead weight on his back on his bed, with a smile on his face.

The blond leaned a hand to the chest, at the height of the heart, throwing out the breath he had held without noticing, "You really scared me".

"Something happened" Seungmin said with security.

The brown-haired didn't pay much attention to their words. "Guess what" he asked, sitting on the bed crossing his legs.

Yongbok really thought about it for a while, while the other knew it would be useless, "Tell us" these words interrupted the blond's thoughts.

"Professor Sang asked me to tutor Minho in English" he finally spat out.

Jisung was interested in Minho, but only in friendship terms. He somehow felt he needed to have an intimate relationship with him and the friendship was the best. However, because of his shyness and introverted attitude, he never had the courage to speak to him.

And yet, from what he told his friends and how he talked about him, he seemed in love with him. But he had denied it several times and the others had almost ended up believing it. Almost.

"The next step is to trip you up and fall into his arms" Felix said, receiving a tongue out that made him smile.

"I'm going to his room soon for the first lesson".

"Be careful not to make too much noise" Seungmin joked, as he looked on his phone and seemed to be answering some messages. "I have to go" he said shortly after, "Jeongin needs help with homework".

That said, he left, leaving the other two alone in the room.

"Are you sure you don't like him that way?" Felix asked when they were finally alone. Not that Jisung did not trust the other two boys, but with the blond he had a more intimate relationship, so he was always the first to know everything about him.

"If I liked him, I would tell you, you know" he replied calmly. He didn't mind that question.

The other decided to change the subject, "I feel like brownies, come with me?" every time he cooked them, Jisung kept him company and many times he also helped him, but that night he couldn't.

"I have to go to Minho's soon, I'm sorry".

"Oh yeah, right, it's okay, I'll do it myself" he tried to be as convincing as possible but actually the idea of having to be completely alone in the kitchen made him feel a little sad and slightly uncomfortable.

When he went down to the common room, Felix noticed that there were few people. 5 of them were sitting on the sofas, chatting with the noise of the TV in the background; three others were sitting on the table that was in the large kitchen.

He greeted them and went to the stove and took the necessary from the various drawers, starting to prepare the dough.

He melted the chocolate and added butter; he whipped eggs and sugar with electric whips, adding a little salt. He joined the two compounds together and mixed them.

Just as he was sifting the flour, he heard footsteps coming through the kitchen door.

He looked up instinctively only when that person laid a glass on the kitchen island he was working on to fill it with a bottle of water from the fridge.

He was surprised to see that it was Hyunjin, who looked back at him and their irises met, crossing paths.

It was a few moments, but to the two it seemed an infinite time. No particular thought ran through their minds, until they had to separate their looks; the raven-haired had been distracted for only a moment, yet the water had already filled the glass to the brim and the one that was coming, trying to enter, fell on the shelf.

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