𝟭𝟱 ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏⠀Let the Record Show

Start from the beginning

Sujin sighed.

"I'm just playing around with you," Jake picked up the papers off her desk with a nonchalant chuckle, "You should really lighten up, y'know."

"And maybe I will," Sujin pursed her lips, "As soon as you leave me alone."


Jake adjusted his grip on the papers cradled in his arms, now only peeling one sheet off the pile and placing it on Sujin's desk in a much less obnoxious manner. Sujin scanned the page and came to the conclusion that it's a worksheet - one that he'd probably volunteered to hand out to the class for their teacher.

No surprises there, kiss-ass.

"Ah- What's this?" A faint buzzing sound immediately captured Jake's attention, and he lifted Sujin's copy of Macbeth to uncover her phone lying beneath it. Scooping the device up despite her protests, the boy read off the track displayed on her lockscreen with a bemused twinkle in his eyes, "SEVENTEEN, huh? I never took you as a K-pop kind of girl."

Cheeks flushing, Sujin immediately lurched forward in her seat to snatch her phone back.

"Ah ah ah -" Jake tutted, holding it away from her grasp before she was able to retrieve it, "- No phones allowed during class, remember? Rule 108 in the handbook."

"Fuck the handbook, and fuck Rule 108." Sujin deadpanned, "You can't just take my phone!"

"I can, actually." Jake countered matter-of-factly, "Rule 109 allows any member of staff, or a Student President, to confiscate any improperly-used devices for a week."

A week?!

Sujin slumped back in her seat with a huff, "Fuck Rule 109 too, then."

Jake rolled his eyes.

"Is everything okay back there?"

Their teacher, taking quick notice of how long Jake had spent at just one table, craned her neck over the first few rows of students to suspiciously observe the interaction.

"Yes, ma'am." Jake cleared his throat, squaring his shoulders in the way a peacock would brandish its feathers. The action in itself was enough to make Sujin internally gag. He then slipped her phone into his back pocket, making a point to pair the action with a shit-eating grin that made her blood absolutely, positively boil.

"That's Strike Two, sunshine."

And with that, he resumed his original task of passing out the rest of the worksheets like nothing had ever happened.

As soon as the boy was out of earshot, Sora leaned out of her own seat to eye Sujin with a look of half-shock, half-amusement.

"Sunshine?" She gawked, suppressing a giggle in the sleeve of her blazer.

Sujin merely groaned, slamming her head against the desk with a dull thud.

"Don't ask."

͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏⠀⠀ Fast forward a couple days, and it's already Sunday.

Without access to her phone, Sujin's weekend could only be described as: homework, homework... and even more homework.

She wasn't even able to call Heeseung on the two days she actually could, having to resort to sending him an email describing her circumstances like a goddamn fossil. Though, considering the fact that the guy only checks his emails a whopping three times a year - and that's if you're lucky - Sujin supposed she'd just have to catch him up at a later time.

Karma ━━ Jake SimWhere stories live. Discover now