"Can you walk on it?" I asked.


We made our way to a house we could see in the distance and came across a grave.

To A Beloved Father.

I picked some flowers and placed them on top.

She looked at me and i nodded and continued walking.

She was limping behind so i sighed and moved my crossbow to my chest.

"Get on."

"Your serious?"

"Come on this is a serious piggyback."

She got on and i walked towards the house.

"Your heavier then you look." I said.

She smacked me and we reached the house.

I knocked on the door to see if anyone or anything was inside and when no sound came back i opened the door.

"This place is spotless, maybe someone is still living here." Beth said.

"Could be."

I walked further in and found the kitchen and swung the cupboards open.

"Holy shit." I mumbled.

Beth began taking food out.

"Hey those pig feet are mine!" I said.

She looked at me with a disgusted look and sat at the table.

"Not a speck of dust on these they must have just been put here." I said while running my hand across the top of all the cans.

"What if the people are coming back?" She said.

"Leave some for them."

"I thought you didn't care about anyone Mr Dixon."

I rolled my eyes and sat down.

After we finished eating we began exploring the house.

"Sit up there." I said while pointing to the counter.

I grabbed the bandages i'd found while Beth admired the bodies on the table.

"Nothing to look at their dead."

"It's beautiful Daryl."

Fucking Christ.

I wrapped her ankle and we went into another room.

There was a casket in the middle so i jumped and and got comfy and Beth sat the piano and looked at me.

"Why are you in there?"

"Comfiest bed i've had in years." She gave me a look. "I'm serious."

She turned around and began playing a tune and softly singing.

It reminded me of how Kim used to sing to Das and i couldn't help but fell my heart break.

She stopped playing and sat staring out the window.

"Why'd you stop?" I asked. "Carry on."

"I thought my singing annoyed you." She chuckled.

I shrugged and she continued.

There was scratching at the door so i went to check it out and saw a dog.

I tried to usher it in but it ran away so i walked back to Beth.

"What was it?" She asked.

"Dog. Didn't want to come in."

She nodded and sat in a chair.

The same scratching came back so i grabbed my crossbow and went back to the door.

"I'm gonna shoot that fuckin dog." I said as i opened the door revealing walkers.

"Beth, Beth grab your shit and go out the back door!" I yelled and she did.

I got cornered where the bodies were and fought my way out and tried to find Beth.

All i found was her bag and saw a car speeding away so i chased it.

I had been chasing the car all night and collapsed on the floor.

"What do we have here?" A voice spoke.

I shot up with my crossbow in hand and aimed it.

After i punched him the the face and got attacked by his men he introduced himself as Joe and The Claimers.

We ended up going to an abandoned garage and they all yelled claimed at the cars.

I put my bag in one then some asshole said claimed and chucked my bag on the floor.

"See Daryl when you find somethin you want you have to say claimed then it's yours."

I shrugged and got comfy on the floor.

I didn't get much sleep and Joe said we are heading out.

I went out for a hunt and the same asshole who took my car tried taking my rabbit then framed me.

"I didn't put that there." I said.

"Well how else do you explain it?" Joe said.

I glared at the man who framed me.

"Well you know the rules Daryl, if you lie you have to be taught a lesson." Joe chuckled.

He then punched the other man in the face.

"Teach him boys! Teach him all the way!" He yelled.

"Why'd you do that?" I asked.

"I saw him put it in your bag. All that asshole does is lie."

I nodded and we headed out.

Joe handed me a flask and i took a big sip.

"Careful now, you don't want to be drinking to fast on an empty stomach."

I nodded and handed him back the flask.

"Where we headed?" I asked.

"Saw a sign talking about some Terminus place so we're gonna check it out. It's probably gonna be a bullshit lie but it's worth a shot."

I nodded and we continued walking.

I just hoped and prayed whoever had my girls would have also seen the signs...

Here's chapter 49! Let me know what you think.

Daryl thinks Kim is dead :(

Will he find Beth?

Will he find his girls?

As always hope you enjoyed!
Te Amo,
Roxi xo

Surviving The Undead: A Southsider's Tale (Daryl Dixon Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now