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In the early morning of September 14th 2023, I woke up, more excited then ever, today was the day me and my friend went into open interviews at this tech company my friend kylee found for us, I got up, got dressed and made sure I looked my best, really needing a better job then what I have, working at Dunkin' Donuts doesn't really pay the bills. After getting ready and driving to the address kylee sent me, I noticed it was really weird, the building looked, really big, for a tech company. I brushed it off and got out of my car, going  on my phone and texting kylee "bitch, I'm here, this place is fucking huge" sending the message and instantly seeing the bubbles pop up under, showing she was texting back, she replied "I'm almost there" and i looked at the drive way, low and behold there I see her drive into the parking lot and park right next to my car "ahh!" I exclaimed in excitement to see my friend as she hopped out of the car and we hugged, I laughed and straightened my shirt "let's go get this job-" we both walk inside and wrote our names on a clip board and sat down in the waiting room, we waited a really long while, sending memes back and forth to pass the time before finally we are both called, "together??" I thought, ya know maybe they saw how good we were together and were hiring us both on the spot, we both got up and followed this man, I notice he's in a lab coat, and he's really short. As we follow him in awkward silence, he walks us into a room, and I feel really cold, I shivered and saw kylee was also, cold based on her expression and her grabbing her arms, the room was also, very foggy, by the time I looked at kylee and back forward to see the guy leading us into this room, he was gone, lost in the fog "uh, sir?!" Just echo, no answer back kylee looked super confused and shook her head at me "yeah, I don't like this, let's go-" she tries to turn to leave and I watched her get shoved into this glass chamber, I step forward and yell out "hey!?" Before also getting shoved, practically tripped into one of the chambers as well, the doors closed on both of us and this really cold gas stubstance fills the chamber and I cough, shivering up and then everything goes blank

Where do we go now?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon