Book 2: Spirits (1)

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Your Pov

"The ceremony will be a high honor and years since the last one. Your grandfather and mother would have been proud." Smiling back at my uncle as we walked down toward the gate of the temple.

So much preparations for the ceremony

If mom was still alive would she be proud?

"It's an honor to become a master. I've never thought the day would happen..." A pair of hands snaps me out of my daze as he softly smiles at me.

"They would've been proud of you. Upbringing a culture nearly whip from existence. Never forget that."

"No fair! You can't go into the Avatar State to win!" Korra sticks her tongue out at Ikki, blowing a raspberry.

Uncle Tenzin quickly approaches the girls "You did what!?" He walked past Dad toward Korra.

"The Avatar State is not to be used as a booster rocket! You are toying with a dangerous power that you obviously do not appreciate!" He sternly scolds her.

"It's the Avatar State and I'm the Avatar. Who appreciates it more than me?"

"Clearly you need more training to grasp the depths of your spiritual connections, not to mention that you're still a long way from mastering airbending."

Korra crossed her arms at him scoffing a bit. "I have mastered airbending!"

She emphasizes her statement by directing several air blasts at the nearby trees, sending leaves floating. "Punch punch punch! See?"

She turns to Tenzin with her hands on her hips and smiles smugly confidently.


An unconvinced Tenzin, who skeptically eyes Korra.

Dad was nonchalantly impressed with a smile. "Looks pretty good to me."

Tenzin sighs and puts a hand to his face. "Is it too late for you to unretire from the United Forces?"

He turns to his brother "The paperwork's gone through, little brother. From now on, it's 24/7 Bumi time!" Dad grabs Tenzin's face and pinches his cheek.

Uncle Tenzin forces him to let go and walks up to Korra. "You've mastered Korra style airbending, now you need to master real airbending. Hopefully our visit to all the air temples will give you the inspiration you need to look more deeply into your studies."

"Aww, he doesn't like my time." Dad pouts a bit clingy to my side. "You always have me dad."

He brightly smiles pulling me into a side hug ruffling my hair.

"That's my girl!"

Uncle Tenzin pulls out and opens a scroll to reveal a map, the locations of the air temples marked with airbending symbols.

Korra looks appalled and irritated turning around toward me motioning me to save her.

I chuckled shaking my head as she pouted a bit.

"Can we see where Grandpa Aang was born?"

"How many lemurs can I have?"

"I wanna get tattoos! But instead of arrows, I want lightning bolts!" Jinora turned her attention toward her younger sister.

"You can't get lightning bolts. That doesn't make any sense."

"You don't make any sense!"

"Fight, fight, fight!"

Meelo chanted as Ikki and Jinora press their foreheads against each other as they growl and glare at one another.

Uncle Tenzin steps forward to separate his two daughters. "No one's fighting! We're going to have a wonderful time!"

//Spirits// Mako x Reader x General Iroh {2}Where stories live. Discover now