❖ Eternal Fireworks 💋🍋🍋

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Cover Artist: Polivka (Tumblr)🔝

Author Note: So it ended up being more than just smut 🤷🏻‍♀️... NSFW 👀 -Dre


Chapter 12| Eternal Fireworks 💋🍋🍋

The atmosphere in the lobby was thick with tension as Sakura stood beside Kakashi, watching the woman at the desk try to flirt with him shamelessly. She couldn't believe her eyes. How could someone be so blatantly forward, especially when Kakashi was clearly not interested...

But what caught Sakura's attention wasn't the woman's advances; it was Kakashi's response. He completely ignored the whore's attempts, not giving her a second glance. Instead, his strong fingers wrapped around Sakura's waist, pulling her closer to him. It was as if he was saying without words that she was all he needed, all he wanted.

 It was as if he was saying without words that she was all he needed, all he wanted

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Artist: @p__421 (Twitter)

A rush of warmth flooded Sakura's chest, and her heart raced. No person, let alone any man, had ever made her feel this important. She felt like a priority, and in that moment, she knew she needed Kakashi more than ever, all those makeout sessions the last 3 days weren't enough, she needed more. Wanted more...

Unable to bear the sight of that whore any longer, Sakura yanked the keys from the desk, her fingers trembling with a mixture of excitement and desire. She didn't give the woman another thought; her focus was solely on Kakashi.

With a determined stride, she pulled Kakashi toward their room, her mind racing with anticipation. She needed him, and she wanted him now. The electricity between them was undeniable, and it was time to let it consume them completely.

 The electricity between them was undeniable, and it was time to let it consume them completely

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Artist: Miyavi (Tumblr)

Uncharted TerritoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora