Ask From The §qųªɗ

170 1 28

It was a great and beautiful sunny morning with the ES squad. It has been a week since Lazuli and Speed had their wedding, and everything seems to be fine around the Eeveelution house. But something has been bothering the squad for quite some time now. And this question brought pain to the ES squad.

Pearl: Are you sure that Flame said that they're in here?

Speed: Yeah, he said that they're in the attic. The only thing is that there isn't anyone here.

Lazuli: Well, look around. Maybe they are here but just covered by boxes.

Speed: Good idea, everyone split up, I think you all would know what it is once you find them.

It appears that the entire ES Squad is in the attic for something, or should I say, someone.

Black: Have you all found anything yet?

Silvia: Nope, nothing.

Crystal: Uhh, guys? They're right here.

Speed: Where?

Crystal: They're right here, in the middle of the room.

Flare: Sis, I don't see anything there.

Crystal: But they're right there- wait, I forgot you guys can't break the fourth wall. *Sigh* Just tell me what you want me to say to them.

Speed: Um, ok then, ask them if they can hear us.

Crystal: Ok, well here goes nothing. Hello Veiwers? This is Crystal and the rest of the ES Squad, if you can hear me, can you give us a sign?

Once Crystal finished talking, a box started floating with a blue aura around it.

Pearl: D-Does that mean it worked?

Crystal: If it wasn't your psychic, then I think it did!!

Speed: GREAT!! Now ask it if it knows anything about Flame, like how and why is he here?

Crystal: Right, Veiwers, do you know anything about Flame, and if you do, can you tell us somehow?

Once again, after Crystal finished talking, a white board started rolling to them and a marker starter writing on it. Everyone had their eyes on what was happening, and once the marker was finished writing, the white board turned around to reveal that the Veiwers had absolutely no information on Flame.

Black: Well, that was a waste of time.


Speed: Calm down Pearl, you might give us away to Flame

Pearl: How can I not be mad?? This makes no sense!! How can a Flareon just appear out of nowhere, walk into our house, and we feel like we've known him like FOREVER!!

???: Do you really want an explanation?

Speed: Huh? Who's there?

Everyone starts charging up an attack when...

???: Chill out guys. It's just me.

The person who was talking comes out of the shadows, and it reveals Flame the Flareon.

Lazuli: Flame? Why are you up here- Wait, I'm getting off topic, can you just explain everything already?

Flame: You want an explanation, fine then... Do you all remember the times when you all participated in the outro for the story?

Leaf: When did we do something like that?

Flame: Exactly, I had to remove your memories of doing that using Amnesia.

Eeveelution Squad Truth Or DareOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora