Sienna walks in, staring down at a tiny blue glass bottle in her palm.

"Lucia, I retrieved that herbal ointment for your face..." She glances up. "Oh, hey Onyx."


"Come in dear." My mother smooths the frustration from her face, sweeping her arm to encourage Sienna to join us.

She looks between us, sensing the residual tension."Am I interrupting something?"

"Of course not." Lucia grabs her arm, tugging her to her side. "This is excellent timing."

"It is?"

"Mother, don't," I want quietly.

Sienna's deep brown eyes look to me for answers that I can't give her right now. She is well aware that being pulled into a heated meeting with my mother and I isn't a good thing.

"I'm assuming my son hasn't spoken to you about the changes that will be going on around here?" Mother asks lightly, glaring at me in a way that warns me not to manoeuvre out of this conversation.

"He's told me that women may be brought in for him to select a wife," she says warily. "I mean, you told me that too."

My mothers smile is cold. "No, not that."

"What then?"

I shift uncomfortably. I hate feeling cornered, especially by my own mother.

It's not like this is an easy conversation to have. I have no idea how Sienna is going to act. Were I in her position, I don't think I would take this well at all.

"Go on Onyx. I believe this is your news to share," mother prompts.

There's absolutely no room for me to sidle out of this conversation. It must be done.

"It looks like my mother will not be needing you to work for her any longer," I tell her uneasily. "I mean, we are ready to offer you a...promotion, of sorts, that will replace your job."

"Wait, what?" She looks a little panicked.

I rub the back of my neck, grimacing. "I've made some mistakes, Sienna."

"Get on with it, son," mother prompts, her eyes narrowing slightly.

Sienna takes a wary step back. "What's going on?"

"Too many people know about you, about how important you are to me," I tell her tightly. "You're in danger."

Her eyes widen and she looks to Lucia for help. Unfortunately my mother has no interest in fishing her out of this one.

"From who?"

"Everyone, but mostly those beyond my Pack borders who are looking to exploit me," I explain steadily.

This needs to be as professional as possible, because feelings are going to be very quickly involved. In a normal circumstance, I would have just had my way with her and would be rolling over in bed to offer her the position.

"Has threats been made against me?" The urgency in her eyes has my stomach twisting.

"Not yet, although we anticipate that at any moment you may be targeted for being my friend. For being close to me," I tell her gently.

"I'm safe here though, right?"

"To an extent." I close my eyes. "I want you to be my mistress."

When they open again, Sienna is staring at me in cold silence, her mouth parted in shock.

My mother looks at me, unsure of how to act. She's not very good with overwhelming emotions.

"Your what?" Sienna breathes.

The Alpha's MistressHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin