Open Your Eyes

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Italic means thoughts

Italic + bold means someone is speaking

Hiccup's POV

Open your eyes 

The warm water smoothly wakes the young boy from his rest. But why was he resting? He didn't remember going to sleep. He.... he didn't .... remember anything

Open your eyes

There was a voice but it sounded muffled. The cold air was slowly replacing the warm water. Why was the room so cold? Where was he?

Hiccup please, wake up

Hiccup? Was that my name? He didn't recognize it, nor did it mean anything to the young boy. Soon the warm water was gone leaving him in the cold.


The voice sounded tired but was much clearer now that the water was out of his ears. The voice sounded like it belonged to a young girl. But what surprised him was that he knew that voice.

Open your eyes Hiccup

He felt a particular fondness when hearing her voice along with a strange protective urge to make sure she was safe. He needed to know she was safe, this strange young girl who he had no know idea was. He slowly opened his eyes almost being blinded by the strange blight blue lights above him. He lay in some sort of tiny pool-like bed he sat up to get a better look at the room. Wanting to see the owner of the tired voice urging him to wake. But was met with an empty room.

Where is she? He slowly crawled out of the small pool-like bed gripping the sides as he stood up on his wobbly legs like a baby learning to stand and walk for the first time. How long has it been since he last stood? After getting used to his legs he let go of the sides of the pool-like bed and looked at his surroundings. The room was small only illuminated by the dim blue lights making the room still dark. The only other noticeable thing in the room other than the pool-like bed was the strange glowing blue pedestal in the corner. He walked up towards it his curiosity getting to him as soon as walked up to the pedestal it clicked to life. Making Hiccup jump slightly he didn't have time to think before it opened up revealing a strange flat rectangle-shaped tablet with a single glowing eye shape.


He was startled by the young girl's tired voice again. He looked around to see her only to once again be met with nothing. Was the voice in my head?

This is the Sheikah slate Hiccup. It will help guide you through this new yet familiar world

Sheikah slate? New yet familiar world? What is all this about? He picked the sheikah slate up as he did a door opened up on his right. He walked out and noticed a single chest to the side. He opened the chest and inside was a pair of pants and a shirt looking at this made Hiccup realize that he was only wearing a pair of blue underwear. Embarrassed he put on the pants and shirt they were a bit small on him but it would do for now.

Hiccup look to your left

Following the girl's instructions, he looked to his left and saw on the other side of the room was another pedestal only this time it was glowing orange. He walked over to it

Place the sheikah slate on the pedestal. It will show you the way

Hiccup hesitantly put the slate on it and the glowing orange patterns turned blue. A larger door slowly started to open a bright light from outside flooded the room replacing the dim blue lights and blinding Hiccup making him cover his eyes.

Hiccup...... you are the light-- our light– that must shine over Hyrule once again


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2023 ⏰

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