Chapter Three: Chemistry Class

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Auradon Prep

Third Person

It was the next morning, and Alex was at his locker, putting his books into his locker. His brother Ben, approached him and leant on the opposite locker as he looked at Alex.

"Hey, I was thinking about breaking up with Audrey..I mean I don't know," he shrugs as he leant against the locker.

"I mean, as much as I can't stand Audrey. It's up to you Ben." Alex closed his locker as he took out his chemistry book out.

"Mal seems great." Ben said with a smile.

"Really?"Alex furrow my eyebrows, crossing his arms and having a smirk on his face.

"You can't say anything you were in awe when you first saw Evie." Ben nudged his brothers' shoulder, and Alex shook his head.

"No I didn't, I was being polite." Alex looked at the ground before Ben shoving his shoulder.

"You have a crush don't you?" Ben says excited, putting his arm around Alex's shoulder, Alex rolls his eyes and pushes Ben off.

"I'll catch you later." Alex rolled his eyes, and he heard Ben whisper shouting as he walked down the hallway and Alex looks back at Ben, shooting him a glare, He turns blindly and bumps into something. He wrapped an arm around the persons waist to see that it was Evie.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." He removed his arm, and he bends down and starts helping Evie pick up her books.

"It's okay, I wasn't looking where I was going either." She smiled as she was helping Alex pick up her books.

"Oh, you're in the same class as me, I'll walk you. I was on my way to there." Alex stands up, holding his hand out for Evie to take so she can stand up.

"Okay," she takes her book out of his other hand, still having a smile on her face.

"Let's go,"

"So, how are you settling in?" Alex asked Evie as they walked to Chemistry Class.

"I love the dorm, I'm really grateful." Evie turned her head to look at Alex with a smile, which he returned. "So, about your coronation how does that work?" Evie said as she pushes a piece of her hair behind her ear as she looked at Alex, they both don't realize that they are at the Chemistry Door.

"I promise I'll tell you later, okay?" Alex turned his body to give Evie his full attention while giving her a smile, she nodded her head still having a smile on her face.

They both entered the class room, where Alex and Evie found a free space by the window, Evie sits down on the stool and when Alex is about to sit down, Doug slides into the spot what he was gonna take.

Evie gave Doug a polite smile and then looking over at Alex, who took a seats down. When they both locked eyes with another they both gave each other a smile.

Evie turns to Doug, while still having her dreamy eyes at male in front of them. "Any chance he's in line for a thrown? Anywhere in line?" she asked and Alex looked up from his work to see where she was looking at and he sees her looking over at Chad. Alex's face drops and continued to do his work.

Doug sighs and he looks at the Chad. "Chad. Prince Charming, Jr. Cinderella's son. Chad inherited the charm. But not a lot of there...there. Know what I mean?" He asks as he turned to look at Evie.

Her face lights up as she heard this, and rested her chin on her palm off her hand. "Looks there there to me."

Mr Deley approached the table where Evie, Chad and Doug were sitting at with an not amused face. "Evie." He spoke up which caught Evie to stop daydreaming, she snaps out of it and looked over at the teacher.

"Perhaps this is just a review for you. So tell me, what is the average atomic weight of silver?" He asked her.

Alex was still looking down at his work and then looks up from his paper to look over at Evie.

"Atomic weight? Well, not very much. I mean, it's atom , right?" Evie jokingly replied as Chad laughs along with her.

Mr Deley motions for her forward, so she stands and walked towards the blackboard before grabbing something out of her bag. "Let's see. How do I find the average atomic weight of silver?" Mr Deley passes her the chalk as she begins to write on the blackboard. "That would be 106.905 times 0.5200, plus 108.905 times 0.4800, which, Mr Deley would give us..." she says, writing each number in the board. "107.9 AMU." she continued, before she stopped writing and turned to look at Mr Deley with a smile.

Alex looked down at his answer and then back up at the board and his smile grows again which grew to a smirk.

"I forget. Always a mistake to underestimate..." Mr Deley starts but gets cut off by Evie as she spun around to look at Mr Deley again.

"A villain? Don't make it again." She says boldly, tossing the chalk back to Mr Deley which he caught.

Evie looked over at Alex who nodded at her and still having a smirk on his face, she smiled over at him and stopped in her track as Chad passes her a note. Alex's face drops again and looked back down at his work.

The bell rings and Alex is the first one to leave the class, Evie stood up and looked around for him.


Alex is at his locker, putting his books into his locker after finishing for the day. Their was footsteps approaching him, he didn't know who it was until they spoke up. "Hey Alex." he closed the locker to see Evie standing there with a smile.

"Hi." Alex says quietly as he looked away from Evie.

"Everything okay?" Evie placed her hand on Alex's forearm which made him look at her hand and then up at her, she has a concerned look on her face. "You left class before I could speak to you..."

"I'm alright...I'm having some bad luck.." Alex replied as he turned his head away from Evie.

"What do you mean?" Evie asks with confusion.

"I started to like someone but I know that they don't feel the same." Alex replied back, as he locked eyes with Evie.

Evie's face falls into a frowns, "I'm sorry to hear that Alex....Mal needs me for something...see you later...I'm sorry again..." Evie gave him a small smile before walking away. 

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