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a knock on the door broke me out of the fetal position i stayed in. i quickly got up and opened it, revealing a slightly tired, yet worried blade.

"bladie.." he pushed himself into the room and looked around.

"what time's curfew?"

"10. we have an hour." i replied, my voice trembling slightly, sitting down on the carpet near the door. blade took a seat beside me, staring long and hard at my figure.

"are you okay?" i shook my head as my whole body began to shake. blade moved closer, muttering curses as he held out a hand. i put my hand in his and kept it there.

"f-fuck blade... d-dont tell anyone this but... i dont really like acadec anymore... i... fuck... i miss my oboe."

"shh, i know." his thumb rubbed circles on the skin of my hand. "i suck at comforting y/n but-"

"shut up, you're doing better than anyone else i know." i chuckled lightly, shifting closer to him. "ive never felt so tired before."

"how long has it been since you got a good amount of sleep?"

"maybe... fuck i dont know." blade sighed beside me. "im so nervous for tomorrow."

"so am i, y/n. ill admit it now.. you're a really smart person, and good competition. am i going to let you win? absolutely not. but i know we'll both try our hardest. and whoever wins wins. no.... no hard feelings on my end okay? well, maybe i'll be a little pissed, but not at you. im so glad we met y/n, because you've really helped me not be a complete asshole."

"you still are, idiot." i smiled, leaning in more towards him. "and we're friends now, okay? no more of this unlabeled shit."

blade shook his head, laughing. "alright y/n. friends." i squeezed his hand, keeping it firm in my grasp. "we still have 45 minutes. and im not leaving."

"can we just.. stay like this? i think any longer and ill just fall asleep." blade wrapped his other arm around my back and pulled me closer to him.

"you're never ever getting this again y/n, hear me? this is a one time thing."

"alright, asshole. i hate you." a grin formed on my face as i shut my eyes, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"i hate you too." he replied, before i drifted off into sleep.



hey asshole

you fell asleep on my shoulder

i hope you got enough sleep last night

and good luck tomorrow

you fucking midget


i just woke up

i knew u were a softie



i said we never speak of it again

how do u do it bladie

do what

make ppl feel so loved



if ur trying to make me break

its not working



why are you awake so early

hey i got a full seven hours of sleep

plus i normally wake up before five



wHy aRe yOu aWaKe sO eArLy

because im studying

you fucking hypocrite

fuck you

yOu tOoK aDvAnTaGe oF me

no, asshat

unlike mr welts kindness

kafka told me to get up early


kafka is not sounding so #slay rn

she isn't exactly

i mean, she has her moments

but not during comps

im sorry bladie

you spent all last night

taking care of my ass

you were about to have an anxiety attack

that comes before studying



wanna meet for breakfast


...yeah sure

sweet! lets just go to an ihop or something

ill meet you at the lobby in ten


they're open 24/7

lets just get it over with

plus we can go out and get more food

for your hungry ass



ill see you



hate you

hate you too

a/n: this might seem like it's progressing quickly but they're just friends guys!! for now!!

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