
"Mum, are you okay?" I stumble into the house and quickly walk to my crying mother. I wrap my arms around her as she silently cries into my shoulder.

I've seen my mother cry before, but only a few times. I hated seeing her cry or knowing she was upset.

"Come on, mum. Go get into bed and I'll be right up with a cup of tea, then we can talk." I rub her back and she slowly gets off the chair at the counter, making her way up the stairs. I start preparing two cups of tea, thinking what could it be she was crying about. It could be my father. Ever since he just showed up at our door 2 weeks ago she has been quite out of it.

I slowly walk up the stairs with the warm cups in both my hands, kicking open the door with my foot to find my mother curled up in bed.

"Here ya go, mum." I place the cups of tea on her bedside table and plop down on the bed next to her.

"Thank you, Nialler." she kisses my cheek and reaches over for her cup, taking a sip.

"So you wanna talk about it?" I ask slowly, not wanting to pressure her.

"It's just your dad." she whispers and wipes at her eyes.

"He's not my dad," I hiss and she sighs.

"Sooner or later he will want to be a part of your life again, Niall. He's still your father," she reasons.

"Yeah, a father who left his family for -"

"Just stop, Niall. I know he left, I know you didn't have anyone besides Greg to look up to and that there was barely ever a fatherly figure in your life, but at least try. If he tries, really tries, just give him a chance? Please?"

"Fine," I groan, "but only for you, mother."


"Niall!" I hear my favourite voice and look up from my phone to see Juliette a few feet away from where I was leaning against my car. She had the biggest smile on her face as she opened her arms and ran towards me. I opened my arms as she wrapped herself in a tight hug. I kissed the top of her head and held her body against mine,

"Hey! How was your first day?" I ask and release her from the hug as we both get into my car. She throws her bag in the bag and turns to me as I start leaving the parking lot.

"It was amazing, actually. There's so many people, students and staff and the campus is huge and the classes are massive and the - "

"Jules, you're rushing again. Use your words, love." I laugh and I see her pout from the corner of my eye.

"Made any friends?" I felt like a mother asking her small toddler if the made any friends at pre-school. But I was just interested in Juliette's day and you never know, maybe she didn't make a friend.

"Yeah, a few actually. There's Bella, who is in my English Lit 2004 class, and there's her friend, Charles, who I'm still getting to know. Oh and also Elle, who, I think is Bella's twin sister, even though they don't look at all like each - "

"Tell me more about this Charles, fella." I avoid the rest, because they can't hurt Juliette and the won't try to get with her either.

"Niall, you don't need to be jealous." she says and chuckles softly. She pulls up her one leg, crossing it underneath the other.

"I'm not jealous," I say deffensively, "I simply want to know more about this guy."

"Why don't you want to know about Bella and Elle?" I laugh and she gives me the look. Her infamous what-the-hell-is-wrong-with-you look.

"Sorry, it's just who names their teins Bella and Elle. That's like, I don't know, but it's stupid." I look at her for a moment to see a silly smile on her face as she rolls her eyes at her stupid boyfriend.

"I still think you're jealous," she says lowly and places her hand on my knee.

"I'm not." Slowly her hand moves up by a inch or two.

"Yes, you are." She says and her hand moves a bit to fit perfectly upon my inner thigh.

"Juliette, stop it. I'm driving a car, do you want to fucking die?" I say as my throat tighten.

"Nope," she says, leaning in close to me, "I just want you," her hand still steady as her lips graze over my ear, "to admit it."

"Fuck," I say under my breath and I realize she heard as a smirk plasters over her face.

"Fine, I'm jealous. Now can you please stop doing that." I swat her hand away and continue driving.

"At least until we're home," I mumble and I hear her chuckle in satisfaction.


The moment we arrived at her house, I slammed the door, pushing her against it. I place my fingers on her prominent hipbones and lean my head close to her ear.

"Are you going to tease me like that again, love?" I whisper and she grabs the hem of my t-shirt, fisting it in her tiny hands.

"N-no, sorry." she whispers and I smile.

"Good, now where were we, princess?"


a/n : first chapter i hope you like it, x

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