✨past life✨

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Alina wakes up in the morning and brushes her teeth, washes her face, then takes a bath and goes down to her beloved grandmother's for breakfast.

Then she gets ready to go to work. she helps the poor and gives them food and so on till the evening.

Alina went home in the evening because she was not feeling well.

Her grandmother says daughter, what happened, you came early today, so Alina says no, grandmother, I was just not feeling well, so I came.

So grandmother says, let's go to the doctor and take medicine, you will get some relief.Alina says no grandmother, I will sleep for a while, I just have a headache.

Grandma says okay, you go to sleep, I will take care of some household work.

Then grandma told Alina that if it hurts too much then let me know then we both will go to the doctor, now you take rest, you will feel tired after working the whole day, that is why it is hurting.

Alina goes to her room and sleeps on the bed.

Then she gets answers to her questions in her dreams.She sees in her dreams that she too was a star in her previous life.

She sees how a star is formed and then suddenly falls.In the same birth she also sees her mother but as a human being.

She got up very nervously and called grandmother.Grandma says what happened to you Alina, why are you so nervous, you are having a headache.

Alina says no grandma I just had a dream about my previous life and as soon as l wakeup suddenly the headache went away and I got answers to my questions in my dreams.

The girl and the starsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant