The Beginning of 1994

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Dear Diary,
It's 1994 and my family came to my grandparents' house for New Year's Day Dinner, we have a good time, watching TV!!! My mother gave birth to my new sister Leah Asia Taylor, she was born on February 26, 1994, then they got married at their church on June 4!!  I'm about to start 2nd grade year, still watch cartoons and I have watch Barney and Friends after school after I finished my homework!!! It was daytime or nighttime and I was in my bedroom watching TV, and I hear something on TV in the living room and I heard someone singing on TV, so I walk into the living room and say Mom, I just heard someone singing on TV, who is on TV singing??  and Mom say Immature is on Geraldo or Donahue and it's Marques Houston!!!  Pastor Taylor says join us before you go to bed because I know you love Immature' Marques Houston!!!  It was Marques Houston AKA Batman with the sunglasses on because Immature was appearing on Donahue or Geraldo!! I love the group Immature and their next single Constantly debut on BET and they were about 12 or 13 at the time. The new member, his name is Kelton Kessee AKA LDB, the little drummer boy with the sunglasses replaced the original member Half Pint, and he can play the drum.  Donahue or Geraldo did interview Immature!!!

Dear Diary By Saleishia MorganOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora