"Okay" She said in a yawn and got up from the toilet seat. "Call me when your ready.. I'll be downstairs.." She said steeping out of the bathroom and out of the room.

I sighed and began doing my hair. I actually felt kind of bad leaving Lala like this but like she said.. I was about to lose my chance of getting my own place to stay. So that's when I just went for it.

I walked down the stairs with my bags and everything else I needed getting ready to tell Lala I was ready. I looked over at her and seen that she was asleep on the couch. I sighed and walked over to her and shook her lightly. I watched her eyes opened as she sat up. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to fall asleep.." "Oh no it's fine."

She got up and grabbed the keys off of the table and walked straight to the door and opened it for me. I grabbed my luggage and tried to get my purse as well when it fell. "Oops sorry can you get that for me, please" I said in a chuckle as she grabbed it for me and put it over her shoulder.

"So what's the address so I can know where to go.." She said walking with me to the car and unlocked it. "Ummm.." I said while putting some luggage in the back seats. "I think i have the paper in the back of my pocket.. hold on let me check." I said rummaging through my back pockets. I felt a folded piece of paper and pulled it out giving it to her. "There you go." She took it and opened it while walking to the drivers seat.

I got in and buckled my seat belt and closed the car door as she started the engine and finally drove off.


We pulled up at the small building and got out of the car with each other. I grabbed my bag purse and opened up the back seat door and grabbed some of my luggage. Lala had carried the rest and closed the trunk as i started walking to the entrance.

"This is it .. I guess.." Lala said opening the door. "Kind of.." I stepped inside still talking as she followed behind me. "I mean we're still gonna visit each other." I looked over at her and seen she had tears filling her eyes. "I haven't even spent a week with you and you're already leaving me..." She said as a tear fell down her cheek.

We made it to the elevator and i dropped my bags and hugged her tight. "I haven't even seen you in forever and you came like two days ago." She said sobbing on my shoulder. "This is like my second goodbye so far..." "What do you mean." She asked letting go and wiping her tears. "Well I had to say goodbye to my Aunt that I've stayed with for a long time and now I have to say goodbye to my best friend i haven't seen in ages.. I mean it's not goodbye forever but it's still sad.." I spoke as she nodded her head understanding.

The elevator finally opened and we stepped inside sighing at the same time. I looked over at her and chuckled a little. "I'm gonna miss you though." I leaned back into the wall and waited for the elevator to open. "Yeahh.."

The elevator doors opened and she let me step out first since i had more stuff in my hands. She got out after me and followed me to my apartment. I stopped and looked at Jasmine's apartment and thought about knocking. "What's wrong.." Lala asked worried. "Oh I was just thinking if I should tell her first before i start unpacking""She lives across from you too" I chuckled. "Is that wrong?" I chuckled a little. "No its actually kind of cool.." I shook my head knowing that was what I said to Jasmine when she was about to show me the house.

I decided on telling Jasmine first and walked up to the door. I knocked on the door three times and waited for someone to answer. The door finally opened up and Lucas was standing in the doorway. He was only in some bleached jeans and some jordans. I looked up at his face before he caught me staring at him.

I cleared my throat and finally spoke. "Where's Jasmine.." "She ain't here what you nee-" He stopped mid-sentence and looked behind me and stared and Lala as she looked down at her feet quickly. I stood there looking at the both of them and raised a brow. "Y'all know each other or something.." "No." Lala said fast and went to the bags and start grabbing them. "You got the keys." She asked me as I nodded and handed them to her. She took them and unlocked the door and stepped inside.

I looked back at Lucas with a "Whats going on" look and finally spoke. "Really??.." "What.." He asked with a smirk on his face. "You already know what I'm about to ask you...." I whispered as he sighed in defeat. "Aight aight... we might have smashed once." He smirked as I hit his chest laughing too loud and he covered my mouth and put his finger up to his lips telling me to be quiet and looked around. "Go unpack." He laughed quietly. "That's why I was asking for Jasmine.. But since she's not here." I smirked. "You.." I pointed at him. ".. are going to help me."

We spent the rest of the day packing and packing until we couldn't anymore. Lucas groaned and collapsed on the couch. "Can we finish tomorrow." "If we unpack tomorrow then your gonna wake up early in the morning.." He sighed. "Ion really care I just wanna go to sleep" I shrugged. "Annnd.." He groaned and leaned his head back on the couch waiting for me to reply. "We're going furniture shopping." "Nah I ain't gay" I laughed and shook my head. "It's not like that though you'll see." He got up and was about to leave when i stopped him. "Hey.." He turned around. "Where did  jasmine go" I asked still looking up at him. "She said something about bringing food home..."He shrugged as I nodded. "Oh.. Well that's all, you can get out of my apartment now." He chuckled and closed the door behind him.

I felt good about moving into my own home but I also felt kind of lonely. I mean I've been home alone but I've never lived by myself. I sighed and sat on the edge of my recently made bed thinking about how I was going to live now. I decided on calling my Aunt Nina and tell her how I've been since I haven't already. I pressed call and waited for her to answer.

AUNT NINA: "Hello..."

ME: "Hey Aunt Nina"

AUNT NINA: "Hey baby"

ME: "I just wanted to call and see how everything is going."

AUNT NINA: "Oh everythings fine how's it going wit you? How's life living alone.. or did you get your own place to stay."

ME: " I was gonna talk to you about that subject.." I chuckled.

AUNT: "Uh-oh.. what happened.."

ME: "I got a cheap but fancy looking apartment.. It's not much but it's worth it."

AUNT: "Oh my gosh that's amazing to hear" She said in a high pitched voice.

ME: "Yeah but I'm actually tired right now I was just checking in." I yawned.

AUNT: "Oh I'm sorry hun i won't hold you any longer just talk to me in the morning and get some rest."

ME: "I will Aunt Nina .. I love you."

AUNT: "I love you to.." I hung up and got up from the bed and to my dresser.

I took out my fuzzy shorts and a tank top and walked back to my bed setting the clothes on there as I got undressed before putting on the fresh ones. I folded up the clothes I wore today and put them in a hamper I already put up earlier. I walked up to my bed while putting my hair in a bun and got in bed. I got under the covers yawning and whispering my prayers.

I drifted off into a deep sleep.

Trap Queen (Lucas Coly)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें