23. Dev Sabha & Vishva roop

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In dev sabha ,
All the gods and goddesses were present in Kailash. The 2/3s of the Trimurti looked confused as to why was the dev sabha happening in Kailash.

Indra- Mahadev we need to stop the adharma happening in earth.

Mahadev calmly smiled and said.

Shiva- There is No adharma happening minus all the interventions that you are doing Devraj. You are trying to change the niyati of your son but let me tell you , your intervention is going to be the end of this world. There will be no kaliyug because of you and your interventions.

Indra widened his eyes as to what he heard. He was trying to stop the death of his son. Hence he said.

Indra- If that's done I will side with my son in the war along with the Sena of swarg. All the gods and goddesses who want to side with me say your names.

All the gods and goddesses were waiting for the tridev's and tridevi's. They knew that Lakshmi Narayan were with the Kauravas now they awaited the answer of Shiv Shakti and Brahma Saraswati.

Shiv- Me and Uma will not be taking sides in the war.
Br- Niether I nor Saraswati will fight the war.

That's when Chandradev got up and said.

Chandra- Indradev take me as your Allie and I will fight for you.
Indra- Okay chandradev , I accept you in my Sena.
Bri- Devraj , if you wanted me Brihaspati to fight on your side you should have known that I would not fight with this lustful man!

The tension could be felt in the environment. After all Devguru had a student Chandra who hypnotised his wife Tara and made her do things she would never had. After which Buddha was born , Buddha the illegitimate son of Tara and Chandra. That's when Devguru Brihaspati , Tara and Kacha the son of Brihaspati and Tara stood in the opposite side.

Then Devi Chaya and Shanidev went and stood with Devguru opposite of Indra. For Shanidev it was clear as His sister Yamuna was the wife of Krishna Kalinidi and Jeevalakshmi was the one would guided him and loved him like a mother.

Seeing That Yama (father of Yudhishthir) , Ashivini kumaras (father's of Nakul and Sahdev) and Sangya stood with Indra.

Suryadev was left from the Surya family and that's when he got up and went to the side of Devguru.

Buddha then went and stood with his father Chandra in the side of Indra.

Then 10 of the Aditya's ; Varuna , Mitra , Aryaman , Twastar , Vivashvan , Savitra , Bhaga , Dhata , Amsa and Pushan stood up and went in the side of Devguru. Indra felt hurt that his brothers didn't side with him.

Then Prithvi (half her part is still in Satyabhama) , Agni , Vayu and Naksatrani sided with Indra as their brother Dyaus (Bhishma) was fighting with the Pandavas. {the are the Vasus}. Then the Marutas also went and sided with Indra.

Takshak , Karakota , Manasa and Ashwasena went and stood with Devguru along with the other Nagas. To their shock Garud also came and sided with Devguru.

Later all the sages went and stood with Devguru as they knew they were in the right. Suddenly there came Shukracharya , he also sided with Devguru which was even more of a shock to all. Brihaspati and Shukra smiled at each other and then they were about to leave. That's when they heard a voice.

???- Stop!

The people looked at the direction from where the voice came are they were surprised to see Param pujya Ganesha in there divine form.

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