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in the holding cell suletta mercury is starting to get a little git curious about anser's story and some of the details...

suletatta: you're saying that someone helped you build the gaia gear?

anser: yeah! they were really nice...i learned about just about everything i neededfrom that dynamic duo, so do you wanna know more while we're still locked up in this dump?

sulleta: so what did you say to them,and what were they like?

anser; yeah, the doctor is grumpy and the little girl i think was the opposite!...i even promised to meet up ith them after i graduated from asticassia!

sulletta: but can you please tell me on how you came to make your mobile suit?

anser: but what about aerial? where's you get her?

sulletta: see mom gave her to me as a gift...and to me, she's just like family!

anser: oh...aerial's special since she never hurt you, even with the gund format in her, just like for my gaia gear uses the psycommu and psych-frame operating systems...and for the story, ok then...

...anser agreed to her simple yet innocent request to know what made anser explain what made him inspired to build his own gaia gear alpha"nibiru"...


in a battle to survive against several mobile suits who all opened fire right at the two of anser looked at the strange mobile suit, it had one arm holding onto giant arms, most likely once belonging to a giant mobile suit prior to it being in the possession of the mobile suit...

anser: hey! w-wait for me!

...he activated the heat weapons on the tallgeese as it pummeled on a security mobile suit with the heat lance, and sniped at another one with the rifle with metal bullets...after reaching to the sixth mobile suit disabled, the childish voice breaking right through to him on the loudspeakers...

???: hey~! that's some sweet stuff you got there!

...the boy inside the tallgeese is mowing down the mobile suits like there's no tommorow, this impressed the child in the a woman is now shouting at the mobile suit via the comms with the sight of a truck with a large trailer is heading out of the wall...

???: hey, #$%^&! it's time to get out of here!

...the gundam now stopped what it was doing and saluted, a strange sight for a mobile suit to do while someone is inside...

???: oh! the boss' calling! you coming?

...the playful voice called out to the pilot of the tallgeese who was fighting off and diverting the attention of the mobile suits and stacking up more heads with his heat weapons...

???: woah~! they're good with that thing...

...the one in the truck is now seeing that a mobile site that is owned by the security team is now pursuing her who is still trying to get away in the truck...

???: doctor! leave her alone...

the strange mobile suit now looked at Anser who was trapped in his tallgeese trying to get him to go do something about it to save the one inside of the truck...

???: please! You have to help me out on this one!

...with the security team calling out for reinforcements and they are choosing to go another route to box everyone in...

anser: well what choice do I have here...oh well you wish!

...his training in the simulations and in controlled training grounds now made Anser a bit of a prodigy with his mobile suit training...

man-machine Gaia gear; the alchemist from earth[witch from mercuryXgaia gear]Where stories live. Discover now