Overwork {{R.W

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Prologue: your Reggies girlfriend and a doctor you worked your whole life for this and you overwork yourself at work

Marissa's POV
I worked my whole life to become a doctor endless nights with no sleep and studying and studying

Test after test after so long I finally I got to where I wanted to be I dreamed of the day that I would help people

I had worked at this hospital for a year and I loved every single part of it I worked all day and sometimes all night

I was watching a movie with Reggie when I got called into work "Hey Marissa I know you worked all day today but Katie had a family emergency can you take her night shift"

"Um sure I guess I better get paid double" I told my manager over the phone "yes you will Marissa please just come in we are short staff"I sighed "I will be there in 25mintues"

I hung up "it was work there short staff and need someone to cover I'm so sorry love I have to go" I said to Reggie getting up "its fine sweetie I understand I have to edit for Kevin anyways"

"I'm so sorry love" I gave him a quick kiss and ran to my apartment which was down the hall from his I got in uniform

When I got to the hospital I got called into a room "DOCTOR DUVALL GET IN HERE NOW" I ran into the room the patient had been in a car accident and was flat lining

We did everything we could and I called the death time "time of death 10:53pm"we left the room I washed my hands and moved on

Sadly it's what you had to do this wasn't the first patient I lost I didn't even realize it I hadn't slept or took a break all day and it was the next day now

I got called into another room "doctor duvall there's a patient in room 134 it appears he had a broken back but we aren't sure" I nodded

"Nurse Stacy what time is it" I asked her as she walked away "11:23am"i nodded "alright thank you" and I walked into the room

To see Sam Motherfucking Golbach "what did your dumbass do this time" I told him "oh Mari hiii" he said nervously

I got an IV and sat on the chair by his bed "ok but seriously what did you do?" I got the IV and the water bag hooked together "so I um jumped off the balcony" I chocked on my own spit

"You what?" he nervously laughed " your going to get each other killed one of these days" he nodded "don't move you neck to much but I bet it was Jake"

"Kinda it was all of us" he told me "alright so I need to find you vein so this might hurt a little" I stabbed his arm "well that was easy" I laughed

"I will go get the other room ready for you to get a scan to check your back and then a brace" he nodded "thanks Mari" " anytime and stop moving you neck "

He laughed" alright alright " I left the room and got a scan ready for him I was so tried my head hurt I was hungry

I went back to Sam's room "come on blondie scan time" I got a wheelchair for him and helped him

I started wheeling him down the hall when I felt like the world was zooming in and out like in the movie I heard his voice though "Mari?" it felt like a rock was stuck in my throat I couldn't talk

"Mari?" I'm legs were wobbly "Marissa" I heard Sam say "I um ya sorry I'm ok" I started pushing him again "are you sure? I didn't wanna point it out but you have bags under your eyes when's the last night you slept?"

I blanked out I couldn't remember the last time I slept like actually slept "um I don't remember but that not important" we were almost at the scan room "Bullshit thats one of the most important things along with eating"

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