Start from the beginning

Dagger one, up and ready on catapult one. 

Dagger spare standing by.

Dagger four, up and ready.

Dagger three, up and ready.

Dagger two, up and ready.

Comms officer : Support assets airborne.

Strike package ready.

Standing by for launch decision.

Send them.

Comanche, dagger one. Standby check in. I say over coms

Comanche:  Comanche 11, set.

Picture clean. Recommend dagger continue.

Copy. Daggers descending below radar. I say

Comms officer: Daggers now below radar. Switching to e-2 picture.

Here we go. Enemy territory up ahead. I say nervously 

Dagger attack.

Comms officer: Tomahawks airborne.

No turning back now. cyclone said back on the carrier

Daggers, assume attack formation. I told the pilots

Daggers set. Proceeding to target.

Two minutes and 30 seconds in three, two, one, Mark.

Two Mark. 

Three Mark.

Four Mark.

I the my pilots 

First sam site overhead. I hear from phoenix

holy shit, those are actuals sam's. oh lord. 

Looks like we're clear on radar, Blondie. Bob told me

Let's not take it for granted. I said

More sams! Three o'clock high! Fanboy said over the coms

We got two minutes to target. I tell the pilots

Copy. We're a few seconds behind, rooster. We got to move. coyote says

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