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Bradleys pov

They'll keep Blondie in the hospital overnight for observation.

They're gonna be okay. maverick said to Bradley

That's good. I told mav

I've never lost a wing man.

You're lucky. Fly long enough, it'll happen. There will be others. mav said

Easy for you to say. No wife. No kids.

Nobody to mourn you when you burn in. I said

Go home. Just get some sleep. mav told me

Why'd you pull my papers at the academy? Why did you stand in my way? I yell at him

You weren't ready. he said

Ready for what? Huh? Ready to fly like you? I ask

 No. Ready to forget the book.

Trust your instincts. Don't think, just do.

You think up there, you're dead. Believe me. he said looking me dead in the eye

My dad believed in you. 

I'm not gonna make the same mistake.

back to my pov

I just got out of the hospital. I had gotten a call that iceman had died. he was like the father I never had. I always came over to his house to hang out with his kids. I babysat the a lot actually. he taught me how to fly and f-14 actually. I learned everything from him.

Ready, aim, fire.

I have never felt so hurt In my life, its almost as if I had lost my entire life because of this. whenever I got mad at my mom, I would always go to ice. whenever I had trouble at the academy, I would go to ice. I never knew how close was he to maverick. I always had a connection with ice. like everything we talked about just made sense. He said my flying was just as good as his. although I didn't fly ice cold like he did, I learned to fly from the best. 

Later that day I got called into cyclones office 

please have a seat. cyclone said

Lieutenant Amber "Blondie" Benjamin. I am appointing you team leader. You're where you belong. Make us proud. said maverick

are you guys sure? I ask nervously

Lieutenant Benjamin. you are the only one you flew the course successfully with no mistakes. you have some incredible dog fighting. we know you're the one for this mission. said cyclone

Thank you so much sir. I salute him

Iceman would be very proud of you. warlock said

indeed he would sir. I smile

hey y'all. sorry for this short chapter. hope y'all like it. pls lmk if this is good or not:)

BLONDIE | A Bradley Bradshaw fanfic (;Where stories live. Discover now