Chapter 2: Coffee and Coincidences

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The soft morning light filtering through the large bay windows of "Café Serendipity" bathed the cozy space in a warm, welcoming glow. Emma hummed softly to herself as she brewed a fresh pot of coffee, the rich nutty aroma filling the air and mingling with the smell of baked goods wafting from the kitchen. 

This was her favorite time of day, the magical hour when the world was still slowly waking up and anything felt possible.

As she arranged freshly baked blueberry muffins and cinnamon scones in the display case, the cheerful jingle of wind chimes above the front door announced the cafe's first customer of the day. 

Emma quickly smoothed a flyaway hair back into her messy bun and looked up with a smile, expecting to see one of the cafe's regulars. Instead, her breath caught slightly as she took in the man who had just stepped inside, raindrops glistening on his rugged jacket.

He was tall and broad-shouldered, with tanned skin that spoke of days spent outdoors. But it was his eyes that immediately captivated her - a striking shade of blue that reminded her of robin's egg cracked open to reveal its hidden treasures. Eyes that mirrored the ever-changing sea.

The man glanced around the cozy cafe with a hint of apprehension in his gaze, as if he wasn't quite sure he belonged in this space where locals shared gossip over steaming mugs. Sensing his uncertainty, Emma stepped out from behind the counter to welcome him personally.

"Good morning! I don't think we've met before - I'm Emma, the owner," she said warmly.

The man gave her a shy half-smile that made him seem younger and brought out the dimples in his cheeks. "Liam. This is my first time here actually. My buddy Elliott is always raving about this place, so I figured it was time I tried it for myself." His voice was pleasantly deep and gravelly.

"Well, I'm so glad you stopped in. Here, have a seat anywhere you'd like, and I'll bring over a menu," Emma gestured to the assortment of mismatched tables and chairs. 

As Liam settled into a sunny corner nook, Emma admired his muscular frame, wondering what this rugged stranger did for a living that gave him those sturdy shoulders and calloused hands.

She handed Liam a menu cheerfully embellished with doodles, pointing out a few customer favorites. As their fingers briefly touched, a spark of electricity seemed to shoot up Emma's arm, taking her by surprise. She blushed and quickly busied herself wiping down the already spotless counter, wondering at her reaction.

Emma prepared the drink Liam ordered - a cappuccino with an extra dash of cinnamon - carefully crafting the foam into the shape of a leaf, as artfully as a painter's brushstroke. She admired her handiwork with a satisfied smile before delivering it to Liam's table.

"One cappuccino for you," she announced, placing it before him with a flourish. Their eyes locked, sea green on sky blue, and Emma's breath caught again. She scolded herself as she tear her gaze away. Get it together, Emma. He's just a customer.

But as she and Liam fell into easy conversation, Emma was astonished to discover they had several acquaintances in common.

"Wait, you know Maren from my book club?" Emma asked incredulously.

Liam chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners in that irresistible way. "Small world, huh? We met a few weeks ago at her poetry reading downtown. Really cool event - Maren is incredibly talented."

Emma shook her head in wonder. "What are the chances? And you said you know Alex too, from the bike shop on Main Street?"

"Yep, Alex and I go way back to grade school," Liam smiled nostalgically. "We were troublemakers back then, always hatching some scheme or other. I think our teachers were relieved when we graduated."

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Sep 14, 2023 ⏰

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