11: The Right Choice

Start from the beginning

Xavier sobs. "I'm sorry." He's saying. "She tricked me." Harsh tears roll down his eyes. "Choose Castiel. He deserves it."

Castiel looked awful. He looks like he hasn't slept in ages. His blonde-brown hair is messy and curly. Karina stands close to him, and there's fear in his eyes. "Let me go, Ariel." Castiel argues. "Jasmine is bluffing."

"You really think so, sweetheart?" Karina runs her fingers over Castiel, down in face. He closes his eyes. Trembling.

Jasmine produces a knife, offering it out to me. "Whoever you cut free is the one you've chosen. You've got five minutes to make this choice. A second later, and both boys will go together." Hard tears fill my eyes. I accept the knife.

Tears roll down my eyes. I can't see much of anything, and I know I won't be able to chose... While Castiel has been through so much, Xavier has been through much worse and he already thinks I won't choose him. He's taken my heart, and I love him. But at least Xavier has the watch, and he has the vile.

I remember Xavier talking about enemies in the underworld; and they're behind him now. Hovering relentless. Merciless.

"Jasmine, you don't have to do this."

"Of course I do." She counters. "My husband or the worthless servant." Her words made Xavier flinch. "Both have helped me attain this amazing darkness. But only one will live long enough to see me nourish it."

I move forward, and kneel beside Xavier first. I search his eyes. I can seem myself with him. I can see us together in another world. I remember our kisses. I remember all the good things and forget the bad. I touch him. "I want to choose you," I whisper so low only he can hear. "You know that." My breath and voice shakes. "You were the man who set me free, and you'll have my heart forever... But you're not the son of Hades. You can't save this wretched world." I blink back tears. "I love you."

"I love you, too." Xavier mutters.

I move along to Castiel. He looks away at first. "I understand if you don't choose me." He mutters. "I wouldn't choose me. You can let me go. There's nothing left for me here. You should be happy with Xavier."

I knelt down in front of him. "You've suffered enough," I can hear my voice cracking. The red-orange glow brightens very little. I'm crying. "But you're the true Prince of Darkness, Castiel. And you're the only one that can save us." I can't see any future with Castiel, but I know that he's braver than I give him credit for. I can help him. He'll help me. He'll set everything right, again. He'll return Xavier to us. "I do deserve to be happy with Xavier. But you deserve to be happy, too... You've been caged here your whole life, never given the chance to see another world. It's time I set you free."

I lean down, and take his cold hands in my warm ones. "I sacrificed my life for you. Don't make me regret this." The knife shook in my hands, and Xavier sobs as he watches.

I move delicately behind Castiel, standing tall as I free him from his rope bindings. I glare at Karina until she takes a step back. "I've made my choice." I said in a shaky breath. I can't help the tears... Castiel takes my hand. I can't bear to look at Xavier. He's still sobbing. Head hung low. He knew I wouldn't choose him, and I know that I've hurt him.

"Terrific." Jasmine drawls. "This time, Xavier will have a warm stay in the dungeons before Charon escorts him to the fields of prideful punishment." Prideful punishment for a prideful classification.

I close my eyes; forcing myself not to cry no matter how much I want to.

Jasmine walks over to Xavier. "A shame to waste such a pretty face." She taunts. "Isn't it awful for you?" She continues. "The girl you've given everything for hasn't chosen you. She's chosen your superior." I narrow my eyes; growing hateful. "She doesn't love you." She removes the watch from around Xavier's wrist, and I have to look away. "I apologize for going back on our deal, sweetheart. But I'm sure you understand." She motions for the boys standing behind Xavier.

For the first time, I notice Angelique's absence. For once, I wish she were here. She'd have fought for Xavier. She'll protect him. But it's too late.

"I can't let you do this Jasmine." Castiel spoke up bravely. "Ariel loves him." It was a lame attempt to fight back. "You've nearly killed my parents. You've done away with my friends. You sent the other contestants to their deaths - literally. But I won't let you send him away. I'm still the King. I'm still your husband."

"Aren't you tired of having such death surround your life, Castiel?" She sighs. "You've caused so many people so much pain. At least you've released Harley."

Xavier froze. So did I. The wound in my shoulder seems to burn an enter its. "W-what?" Castiel murmurs.

"Tell him Ariel... Go on."

I shut my eyes, now. I squeeze Castiel's hand. For a few moments, I couldn't speak. I couldn't even think. How would Castiel react? He'd be so hurt. "I- I saw Harley when I escaped this world." I met Castiel's gaze. "She used you to get back to her husband, Castiel." Castiel stares. "She's married. She has a daughter."

"You're lying." Castiel demands.

"It's the truth." Xavier spit. "We saw them. Now, Ariel has chosen you, Castiel. And you're still hung up over a married woman? I hate you." His body shook. "I hate you for making me into what I am. I hate you for screwing with Ariel's mind. You're a spoiled, pretentious brat and you don't deserve her."

Castiel flinches. "I know."

Jasmine snaps her fingers, and Xavier can't speak anymore. She gestures for the men behind him. They easily lift Xavier to his feet. "Take him to the dungeons. No visitors allowed unless I clear them first."

"Wait." I demanded. I pull Castiel close to me, letting the knife rest against his neck. "Take Xavier and I'll kill Castiel. You need your husband, Jasmine. Don't you?" Mischief glitters in my eyes. "You're going to let Xavier go. You're going to return his watch, and allow him to go through the portal."

Jasmine smiles. "You honestly think I care if you kill Castiel? You've made your choice, sweetheart. Now you've got to live with it."

I point the knife to my own neck. "Please, Jasmine. You don't want to do this."

Jasmine is smiling. Xavier is shouting at me to stop. He's struggling between old enemies. "Do it." She hisses. "You won't be any deader to me."

Xavier broke free. But Jasmine was even faster, and she caught him with the energy, reaped from her fingertips. Stopping him seconds before he reached us. She drops him to the floor as his guards approach. Hold him even tighter.

I throw the knife at Jasmine. But she's faster. My eyes widen as she stops the knife in mid-air, poised between her fingertips. "You can't win . . . When will you learn, Miss Caverly? You've made your choice. You've made your bed. Now you've got to lie in it and face the consequences."

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