"Or Super Soldiers." Sam said and Cecelia raised her finger.

"ding! ding! ding!" Cecelia exclaimed, it was from some show she saw on TV.

"Shit. Super Soldiers, for real?" Lamar asked, Sam nodded his head. Saying yes.

"Alright, we'll then we gotta work together." John said, Cecelia let out a comical laugh.

"That's funny." Cecelia said, her voice nasal again.

"That's not happening." Bucky said as Cecelia moved her head, Bucky tightened his fingers and Cecelia rolled her eyes.

"I think we stand a much better chance if we'll just-"

"Just 'cause you carry that shield, doesn't mean your Captain America." Bucky said, Cecelia nodded, or tried to hold her head in agreement. Bucky had to be difficult by stopping her nose from bleeding.

"Look, I've done the work, ok?" John asked him.

"You ever jump on top of a grenade?" Bucky asked him, thinking back about Steve.

Ever save a child from not having a home?
Ever fight in world war 2?
Fight Thanos?
Fight Ultron?
Save two assassins?
Get a soul stone?

Cecelia didn't think so.

"Yeah. Actually, I have. Four times. It's a thing I do with my helmet. It's a reinforced helmet. It's a long story, but, any-Look, it's 20 miles to the airport. You guys need a ride, your daughter has a nosebleed, you need a ride." John said, it was mainly to Bucky. Bucky could've smiled when he called her his daughter. But since it was John saying it, it couldn't of had pissed him off more.

"Guys. Gary, stop. Get in." John said, the three stopped in their tracks.

"Don't be stubborn." Sam told Bucky as he let go of Cecelia. Immediate blood started going down and she leaned forward letting in drop onto the ground.

So, Cecelia put her hands to her nose as they got onto the bus. "Gary, grab some tissues." John said to the driver as Cecelia sat down next to Bucky. Sam sat next to Cecelia, so she was in the middle of the two.

Their driver handed a pack of tissues back and John looked at Cecelia. "Here-" He said trying to help. Bucky put his hand out as he took the tissued.

"If you lean your head forward-"

"No, it's fine. I've got her."

"He's got a point, if her head goes back she'll choke on her blood, man." Lamar said, as Cecelia looked at Bucky. He shook his head as he handed her multiple tissues. Cecelia leaned her head forward, squeezing the soft part of her nose.

"Okay, so we've got eight Super a soldier on a bulk supply run. Why?" John asked as Bucky's hand rested on Cecelia's back.

"They say their mission is to get things back to the way it was during The Blip. Maybe they're just trying to help." Sam said, Cecelia let a sigh as her eyes glanced up at them.

"The blip sucked ass." Cecelia told him.

"They had a funny way of showing it." Bucky said at the same time as Cecelia

"The serum doesn't exactly have a great track record. No offense." John said, Cecelia looked up at him, a not so happy look on her face.

"Offense taken."

"We need to figure out where they're going. How's you track 'em here? The Flag Smashers?" Sam asked him curiously.

"Uh, no, we didn't track them, we tracked you, uh, through Redwing." Lamar said, Cecelia looked up at him.

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