Chapter 10 Reassurance in the Face of Scars

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The only thing on my mind right now is how much anxiety is running through my mind and body. A million questions are coursing through my mind right now and I can't stop them! They want to know what's on my mind but right now I just want to know what they think of me now. Will they reject me, will they try and ask for details? I've never told the whole story before. I don't think I can, I'm not ready to. "Baby girl please tell us." Lizzy says I hadn't realized I just went silent for a few minutes. "The only thing I am thinking about right now is what are my mates thinking about right now?" "What do you mean?' Nate asks. "All I keep thinking is that this has changed your view of me and I just need to know how much. Like are we talking, Am I too gross and ugly to be seen out with you, so I should just stay home, or you just don't want me at all anymore? Or are you angry that I didn't tell you, I just don't know! Please just tell me straight up don't sugarcoat anything." I said all that faster than the speed of light. "We will always want you Baby girl. Lizzy says.


(voice quivering)

All I need to know right now is that you're still here for me, that you still care.

Lizzy takes a step closer, her gaze soft and reassuring. Lizzy's voice was soft and tender, her words like a soothing balm. "Sam, you're our cherished mate, and nothing in this world could ever change that."

Nate moved closer, his fingers gently grazing Sam's shoulder as if to offer silent support. His voice was filled with compassion as he reassured her. "We'll always be by your side, no matter what you're going through."

They all sit in a comforting silence, Josh places his hand on Sam's knee, offering support.


His words were comforting, spoken in a gentle tone. "You don't have to share everything right now, baby girl. We're here to listen whenever you're ready."

Lizzy's eyes welled up with tears as she extended her hand to tenderly wipe away Sam's tears, her touch radiating a caring warmth. Her words were saturated with genuine affection as she spoke.


We love you just the way you are, Baby girl. Nothing can change that.

Sam sniffles, feeling a glimmer of hope amidst her anxiety.



Thank you, guys. I'm just scared of losing you.

Nate leaned in, his lips gently pressing against Sam's forehead in a tender kiss, a symbol of unwavering commitment.


You're stuck with us, little one, forever and always.


A small, trembling smile broke through on Sam's lips, a fragile sign of relief. Her words were filled with gratitude as she whispered, "Thank you all so much."

They share a tender group hug, their bond growing even stronger in the face of hardship. In that moment, Sam knows that she doesn't have to face her fears alone; her mates are there to support and love her, no matter what challenges lie ahead.

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