Chapter 8 - the final chapter 🫶🏻🥲🥹

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After what felt like forever, the Trolls returned to Pop Village. JD stopped at a secret area where the public wouldn't notice and pester. 

"Alright gang...we're here." JD said, leaning on the seat.

Everyone was tired from the trip back. It took about 2 days to get through the multitude of wormholes. JD hadn't took one break driving either; he multitasked with one hand on the wheel. 

Everyone was physically, mentally, and emotionally drained. They all went through their own moments of stress and anxiety at one point of the journey. They gave it their all during the chaotic, lively fight against the malicious duo Velvet and Veneer. Viva and Floyd were the most drained after dealing with the most anxiety from the dolls, not to mention their traumatic near-death experiences. 

Now that the villains were locked up in the tiny crystal necklaces, everything could go back to normal. 

One by one, the brothers jumped out of Rhonda, stretching. They also assisted Floyd since he needed time to recover.

"You really need a shirt, man." Clay judged.

"HEY!" Floyd snapped. 

"Shhhhh!" Branch shushed. "We're not out of the clear yet from the public. This way." Branch led his brothers onto a secret path which led to his bunker and Poppy's pod. The siblings tiptoed behind him. JD accidentally stepped on a stick, and it made a loud crunch.


"SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! SHUT UP! WHAT PART OF STAYING QUIET DID YOU NOT GET?!?!?" Branch whisper shouted., aggressively motioning with his hand to move forward.

Floyd, Spruce, Clay, and JD all quietly stomped off to head to the bunker. Clay stuck his tongue out at JD. JD stuck his tongue back at him. The two started quietly slapping their hands against each other. Branch rolled his eyes and quietly chuckled. 

Poppy and Viva were snickering from the van. "Ah...boys. Such sillies." Viva said, crossing her arms and shaking her head. 

"I know! You gotta love them for that though." Poppy added. "Totally." She smiled with her teeth showing.  

"So... are you ready to go talk to Dad?" Poppy asked, stretching her hand out towards Viva.

"Yeah...I'm scared though. What if- what if there was a reason...he didn't tell you about me? What if he doesn't love me anymore?" Viva said, turning away with her head down. "What if..." She started to get emotional. "What if I reminded him too much of Mom?" 

Poppy's heart began to hurt. 

"Viv..." Poppy grabbed her sister's hand and pulled her around. "That's not true at all. There's no way that he would not love you. You were his first child. Besides, no one could not like you. You're an amazing, amazing Troll.  Everything will work out. I promise." She tried to reassure.

"And... if they don't...?" Viva asked sadly, staring deep into her sister's eyes.  

Poppy held Viva's hand tighter. She took a moment to collect her thoughts as she was getting emotional too. "Then that's on him, not you. I'll always love you, Viva. No matter WHAT happens." 

Viva smiled with tears forming. "I'll always love you too, Poppy." They gave each other a warm embrace. 

After they hugged, Poppy pulled Viva along. After a few minutes of silently walking towards the pod, they made it to the entrance. Viva starting breathing heavily. Poppy gave her a mini hug.

"Okay, here's what we'll do. I'll go in and say hello and catch up and everything. You wait out here, and I'll come out to get you to reintroduce. We're gonna face this together, okay?" 

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