Chapter Seven (Part 2 of Chapter Six)

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Halloooo, welcome to part twoooooooooo - just a little heads-up that this one is going to be way more intense. There is one very small mention of bl00d (referred to as glitter). I hope you enjoy! 😉💖


So far, Branch, Poppy, Spruce, and JD had successfully been able to gain some ground against Velvet and Veneer. The dolls were more vicious than they ever were in this battle, struggling to get up from the floor. Once Viva and Clay joined, the team was stronger than ever. 

No matter how hard the evil duo tried, they still stayed firmly pinned on the ground. "BRANCH!! GET THE NET!!" JD yelled over all of the hissing. Branch quickly grabbed a large net out of his backpack and laid it out on the floor. "OK, HOLD THEM DOWN LOVE!" Poppy held down Velvet and Veneer to restrain them from getting up. Just like their plan. 

The others quickly grabbed a side of the net and threw it upon the dolls. "UGH, NO!!!" Velvet screamed in agitation, pounding the floor with her fist. 

"Your time's up. There's nothing you can do now to hurt us." Poppy said, staring into Velvet's eyes with a smirk on her face. "Come on Branch, let's go rescue your brother." They all walked off towards the crystal prison that Floyd was captured in.

Meanwhile, Veneer was viciously chewing on the rope net trying to cut it. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING, STUPIDHEAD?!?!? HOW THE FRICK IS THAT GOING TO WORK?!?!?" "OH, BE QUIET, IT'S WORKED WITH ANIMALS THAT HAVE SHARP TEETH! AND WE HAVE SHARP TEETH! WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE?!?!? :D" She slapped the back of her brother's head. "WE'RE NOT ANIMALS, DUMB DUMB! WE'RE DOLLS! YOU'RE JUST GOING TO MAKE IT WORSE!!!!" They started to catfight each other underneath the net. 

"Floyd!!" The pink-haired depressed Troll turned around to see his brothers standing in front of the crystal. "BRANCH!!! BROTHERS! Oh, I'm so glad you're safe!" 

"Don't worry, we're gonna get you out of here. Oh, and if you don't mind, we got two others to help sing the note! This is my girlfriend, Poppy, and her older sister, Viva." They both waved hi.

Floyd waved back. "Great! The more people the higher the chance it'll work."


"Ready?" Spruce asked.

They all nodded their heads in agreement. The Trolls quickly gathered in a circle, holding each other's hands. They begin singing the harmony. It was working! 

About halfway through the melody, Velvet and Veneer have broken out of the net, ready to capture them up. "GUYS HURRY! THEY'RE COMING!" Floyd yelled in fear. 

"THEY'RE GOING TO LET HIM LOOSE!" Veneer screeched. 


There was a flash of light and glitter, with the crystal breaking in thousands of shards. Floyd was free, and his essence was last! He finally could escape from the living nightmare he had been put through. Velvet and Veneer slipped on the floor from the ground shaking as the mini explosion occurred.

After the crystal shattered, Viva's essence was also restored. Velvet and Veneer's crystal necklaces were destroyed. "UGGGGGGGGGGGH!!!" Velvet groaned, pounding her fist again. 

"Floyd!" His little brother rushed towards him, giving him a ginormous hug. "Branch!" Floyd replied. 

"I missed you so much...I'm so sorry I stopped talking to you guys..." Branch said, choking up.

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