Living her best life Part 4

Start from the beginning

Banyon explained to the girls that yes once they were claimed by each of their mates. They would then gain the ability to shift. It is not a fast process. Lycan children don't receive their Alter until their 6th birthday. Lycans were still unable to shift until their 21st birthday.  After their first shift they have the ability to sense their mate, if and when they were in close proximity to him or her. The process wouldn't be as long for the girls though. If they were full Humans, the total process could take as long as 6 weeks. Being Fae will help to speed the process along. It all depended on how powerful they were in the Fae world. Not knowing what kind of Fae they were made things tricky. For answers to those questions, they needed to contact the oracle. Banyon was not looking forward to that. The oracle was ancient no one truly knew her age. She was also all knowing, which caused her to be a little crazy. That can be saved for later though. The most pressing question in Banyon's mind, the one he was most worried about was. Who were the wolfmen as Willow called them, and why were they in his little mates house.

Banyon would put Henry and Jaxson on that. He quickly mind linked them to meet him in his office soon. they both agreed. Henry said he was bringing rose to meet the girls. He thought Rose could help the girls get accustomed to pack life. Banyon brought the girls attention to him by saying. " I know last night was a little crazy, but I would like to know what brought you into the woods and on pack land. at 3am." This got everyone's attention. It was the question all of the brothers and their Betas were most concerned with. They had let the girls ask their questions wanting them to be comfortable but now they all needed answers. Willow looked confused she didn't understand why they were asking her this question. She had told all of them last night what was in their house why didn't they believe her. Juniper shivered she didn't want to think about last night it was terrifying. Juniper was the first to speak. "I didn't see who or what was in my house. Willow did. I did hear a voice though and it said the name James. The voice said James the smell is stronger this way, that's when Willow and i jumped out the window and ran away." She said. Willow was the next to speak. "I told everyone last night it was wolfmen, but no one wants to believe me." Her voice was clear Banyon could tell she believed what she said. she truly believed that the people in her house were wolfmen. The thing about that was Banyon knew wolfmen weren't real. It's true Lycans were real, and some of them could take the form of a wolf. But nothing he has ever heard of could be both at one time. "Describe them to me Willow what did they look like? Was there an odor you could detect. Anything helps." Banyon kept his voice low and patient he didn't want her to fear him. Willow seemed to puzzle over his question before answering. " There was an odor. It's the reason I got out of bed in the first place. I thought we had a gas leak. the smell was like rotten eggs and something more I can't quite place. when I went into the hallway the smell made me gag. when i got to the edge of the hallway near the Living room I seen 3 large figures. They were Big much Bigger than any man i have ever seen. one of them turned toward me and I seen his eyes. They glowed red a deep crimson red almost the color of blood. That's when I knew they were wolfmen. I ran to Juni's room and we jumped out the window." Rogues Nico mind linked Banyon. It had to be rogues in our Mates house. Nico Said to Him. Banyon could understand Nicos fear. Nico and his brother Dev had lost many of their family to Rogues Including their baby sister Katie who was only 2 years old. I'm meeting with Henry and Jax about it in just a few minutes. The girls are safe here with us and our Pack is the Strongest in the country. If we need to we will get Davion and the Blood moon pack to help us. Calm down we got this. Banyon said through the mind link. To the group He said. " I need to speak to Henry and Jax about this matter. We are going over to see what we can find in your old house. I will return later tonight is there anything you girls might need while I'm there." Juniper looked at him anger sketched on her face. "What do you mean our old house. It's our house we live there." Banyon thought his little mate was adorable, but she wasn't leaving and its time she knew it. "That is your old house love. It's dangerous for you to return, and even if it was safe for you to return. I would still want you to stay with me. You are my mate. We just found you after searching for so long I would like to keep you near me." Juniper didn't know what to say life has gotten so strange. How had her life changed so much in less than 12 hours. She opened her mouth to speak but before she could say anything. Juniper was interrupted by an extremely Beautiful woman." oh hi, its so good to meet you my name is Rose. Welcome to the family and Pack." she said hugging Juniper. how did she know it was me and not Willow. Juniper asked herself. Rose answered her question Before it was asked. " Am I hugging the right twin Henry told me you guys are mated to twins one twin was mated to the betas and one the Alphas. Anyway, both of you are new Pack members so welcome both of you. What are your names? Who belongs to who? Oh look at me rambling. I'm sorry I'm just so excited that my big brothers have finally found their mate, maybe now my brood will get a few cousins." She finished saying as she wiped tears from her eyes. Willow decided they would be best friends and filled Rose in. Juniper thought they were both crazy but couldn't help but like the woman. She seemed genuinely happy to meet her. Rose was tall standing at least a head taller that the girls. she had the same Thick black hair as Banyon. Her hair flower Thick and Stright all the way to her bottom. Rose wore a sun dress that showed her curves off. the dress fell to just below her knee and had a pattern of small red flowers over white. Her shoes were red sandals her toes painted a pretty pastel pink color. Rose had a genuine smile that lit up her eyes. Willow and rose were fast friends it seemed as if they were playing 20 questions. " Where are you guys from." Rose asked Willow.  "Not far from here over in Linley off of Pixie hallow rd. What kind of movies do you like?" Willow asked Rose. " I rarely watch but the kids love Disney movies. Do you have any other family around here." Rose asked. and on it went one answering the others questions before asking a question of her own. Juniper thought Willow had met her match. shortly after rose Had arrived Banyon had excused himself and his brothers to go meet with Jax and Henry. Leaving the girls safely in his sister's company. He left a few guards to watch over them but knew they were safe.

I hope you are enjoying the story so far. I feel like I'm dragging it out too much. Please let me know how you feel so far in the comments. Again, thank you for reading my story.

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