Season 4 Episode 7 Party at 16's

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❤️o n e❤️: hey 0

Delete button: yeah?

❤️o n e❤️: 1-20 had a party!

Delete button: how come, I wasn't invited?

❤️o n e❤️: you were having one of your power naps in the void.

Delete button: oh, I forgot. so any drama?

❤️o n e❤️: well, the party was at 16's and-

✨HE HE✨: 18 passed out in the middle of the floor.

Delete button: What! 😭

✨ material GROWL✨: he had too much apple juice

🏳️‍🌈 rainbows🏳️‍🌈: lol so did 13, but he didn't pass out.

🎲3 x 2🎲: I know someone who passed out!

❤️o n e❤️: who?

🎲3 x 2🎲: 8

❤️o n e❤️: oh, I remember now

Delete button: how did he pass out?

❤️o n e❤️: SOMEONE through a glass bottle at him.

Delete button: who?

❤️o n e❤️: I don't know ask gay bish over here.

🏳️‍🌈rainbows🏳️‍🌈: I told him to catch it.

❤️o n e❤️: 7, that bottle flew across the air, almost crashed into 13, went over the snack bowl, through the square disco ball and hit the back of 8's Goofy Ah forehead, causing him to fall face first on the floor.

🏳️‍🌈rainbows🏳️‍🌈: he still heard me when I said hey catch this bottle! I'ts not my fault he has bad catching skills and he can't catch a simple bottle.

Delete button: besides from people passing out by being drunk by apple juice or having a major concussion, what else happened?

❤️o n e❤️: 13 was in charge of snacks.

Delete button: cool

❤️o n e❤️: we also played paintball, odds vs evens.

Delete button: who won?

❤️o n e❤️: it was a tie

Delete button: was it chaotic?

❤️o n e❤️: Definitely! 18 was so dramatic when he got shot with a Paintball he fell dramatically. I didn't fall 2 didn't, 3 almost did, 4 almost did, 5 ducked and the second time she fell.

Delete button: just tell me who slipped

❤️o n e❤️: 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 16, 18 and 20!

Delete button: I bet 20's fall was dramatic

❤️o n e❤️: it was he was like oh my ankles and then fell dramatically and 18 felt. The paint was red, so 12 had to check up on him and he was like "sis avenge my death!" and then he pretended he was dead for the entire game.

✨HE HE✨: yep! It was annoying, but it was funny.

Delete button: I bet 18 was like, "this is not just a paintball game! This is war."

❤️o n e❤️: he did act like it was war. When 19 shot 20, 2 shot 19 because she was laughing at 20 and how he fell and 6 was like that's karma!

Delete button: that sounded fun more fun than my naps.

❤️o n e❤️: really?

Delete button: no, I love my naps

❤️o n e❤️: do you want to come to the next party? 16 is having another next week.

Delete button: sure I want come just for the free-for-all though.

❤️o n e❤️: oh, that's going to be chaotic.

Delete button: where is the free-for-all?

❤️o n e❤️: at 17's Art Gallery

Delete button: cool

❤️o n e❤️: Me and 2 riding in 5's car.

Delete button: can I come with you guys?

⭐️Star⭐️: I don't think I have enough space in my car

Delete button: please, I won't take any space!

⭐️Star⭐️: OK but 4, please don't pass gas in my car again.

✨Material GROWL✨: cause that shi- was stanky.

✨HE HE✨: fr!

❤️o n e❤️: every time 4 farts even like a mile away from 9, he gets corona and starts sneezing nonstop.

✨HE HE✨: doesn't nine always get corona?

❤️o n e❤️: ik, but 20's farts are worse.

✨HE HE✨: way worse, trust me 5 you do not want to smell that.

✨Material GROWL✨: that fart of the century was stanky!

⭐️Star⭐️: what's the fart of the century?

✨Material GROWL✨: you don't know the fart of the century?

⭐️Star⭐️: no

❤️o n e❤️: so me 2, 3 and 20 were just chilling.

✨HE HE✨: and 20 was going to put on a movie

✨Material GROWL✨: so he got popcorn and put it in the microwave

❤️o n e❤️: and after the first minute or so

✨HE HE✨: the bomb dropped!

✨Material GROWL✨: and the stank was impenetrable!

❤️o n e❤️: not even Febreze couldn't save us!

✨HE HE✨: not even gas masks!

✨Material GROWL✨: the stank was so bad 13 didn't split into 10 and 3 when someone said his name.

❤️o n e❤️: and stinky smell lasted for 20 whole days!

✨HE HE✨: that's almost 3 weeks!

✨Material GROWL✨: of stanky, gross, smelly, fart stank!

❤️o n e❤️: that is why

✨HE HE✨: we don't talk about

✨Material GROWL✨: the fart of the century.

⭐️Star⭐️: oh wow

🟩s q u a r e🟩: oh wow indeed

Delete button: so are you guys done talking about farts?

❤️o n e❤️: yes

Delete button: OK see you tomorrow

❤️o n e❤️: see ya!

0 left the server

❤️o n e❤️: that fart was Stanky though.

✨HE HE✨: fr!

✨Material GROWL✨: fr!


So I hope you liked this very early episode

I've been getting a lot of motivation and I've been having a lot of fun writing this one (as you can tell) so I'll be writing another one soon! (Probably not that soon though cause I lost all my brain cells on this episode.)

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