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Kumo was...excited, confused even. He never knew that there were other people in this town that had powers. They might not be similar (except Strawberry and the others dressed in black), but still, it was nice knowing others in Karakura town had powers.

But the thing that confused him was: how did the others get their powers? Did they get stabbed with a sword, were they angry at the world and yelled until their throats were sore? He didn't know, but he'd like to. Maybe he'd ask the others at school tomorrow.

He finally reached home, which was also a textile company. His family were almost famous in the town for making different types of clothes.

Opening the door, he called out, "I'm home!"

No one answered back immediately. A few moments later his mother walked downstairs from her room and hugged him tightly.

"Oh, welcome back, my child. How was your day?"

Kumo smiled lightly and hugged his mother back, though not as tight.

"It was alright, mom. Learned something new today."

She broke the hug, looking up at him and smiling. Kumo could see how tired his mother was.

"Yeah? What, may that be, son? Also, would you like me to make you something to eat? I'm sure you're hungry."

"Eh, nothing too interesting, mom. You don't have to worry about it. And no, you don't have to make me something to eat. I can do it myself...I appreciate the offer though."

"Alright, if you say so."

She smiled softly and walked to the living room, picking up the many pieces of fabric from clothes. Kumo went to the kitchen and grabbed himself stuff to make a sandwich. After a few minutes, he heads to his room and sets his plate down on a desk, and throws his backpack onto his bed. He looked at another desk in his room that had an animal enclosure on it.

"Hey, Araña, missed me?"

Araña was a tarantula he got a few months back. She didn't respond to him (because duh, she was a spider.) He reached into a small container and pulled out a roach, dropping it into the tank and watches as Araña devours the poor creature. It took him a while to get used to touching the roaches, but he put up with it for Araña. I mean, what kind of owner would he be if he didn't properly take care of her?

He sits at his desk, taking a bite of his snadwich, and looks out his window.

"You know Araña, life is getting a little more interesting, and I don't know how to feel. There were, like, six people wearing black robes and three of them had white cloaks with them. And Ichigo, you remember him, you tried biting him the first time you met him. Anyway, back on track, Ichigo is one of them, technically, and Four Eyes is something similar to them, but wears white and hates them but still works with them."

He pauses, looking at Araña, making sure she was listening, which, obviously she wasn't. She's a spider.

"And Chad and Orihime also have powers. Its pretty cool, actually. But the problem is, am I going to get dragged into this whole mess with those weird creatures? What about mom and dad and everyone else? I mean, someone's gotta continue the Shutara bloodline!"

He used some webs from his finger tips to the inside of Araña's enclosure, which she slowly walks along, and soon ending up in Kumo's hand. Kumo sighs and smiles, lightly petting the spider.

"I know you don't understand any of this, but you're the only one I can talk to about this stuff. I don't know how everyone will react if I come out and said, 'Hey guys, I have superpowers! I can move webs with my fingertips!' See? Can't do that."

Flying into the Spider's Web [OC x Soi-Fon]Where stories live. Discover now