new family

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caregiver Changbin

little Felix

Felix was kicked out by his parents for being weird and Changbin finds him and takes him in

no one pov

Felix never had a good life. he was bullied at school for his looks and clothing style. at home his parents neglected him, hit him, told him hes ugly and said they wish they never got pregnant. Felix spent most of his time in his room. since he was 9 he devolped a headspace. at first he did not know how to deal with it but when his 14 birthday his he started to like it. he hides in his room with his toys and plays by himself.

one day his family came home early and say their son sleeping with a blanket and pacifier in his mouth, they were disgusted and packed all his stuff and forced him to leave even though he was only 17 years old.

felix pov

i have been on the streets for about 3 weeks now, i dont have anywhere to go. it was really cold this night and started raining. i was shivering and had to force myself to sleep.

changbin pov

i was out with seungmin walking down the streets to get some late night snacks until i saw a small figure on the ground shivering. i assumed it was an animal until i got closer and saw a small boy, he looked so cute and small so i woke him up but he was really scared and back away from me.

no one pov

felix woke up from someone touching him, he opened his eyes and saw a buff older man and backed away from fear. "hey hey hey im not gonna hurt you... come here buddy" changbin tried to comfort him him the best he could but the boy just looked at him with big doe eyes. "chu gon' hwrt mwe..?" felix whimpered. Changbin understood what happened so he told seungmin to run in the store and buy a blanket . once he did he came back and they wrapped the fragile boy up and brought him back to the other members

once he got into the house he quickly placed him on the couch. "LEE KNOW HYUNG" i heard running coming. "what happened chanbin?" once he saw the small boy shivering he went to the kitchen and made some tea and got some warm clothes for the boy.

we managed to warm the boy up and now he was staring and us, as the noise made the other members interested to know what the noise was.

changbin pov

'soo whats your name bub" "fewlix" he mumbled with a small boy. he starting playing with his fingers until jeongin went to him and hugged him. felix hugged back quickly. felix started crying quictly, it worried everyone. "hey what wrong hm.." i mwss my momma and dada.." then hyunjin widened his eyes and asked "hey lixie baby.. are you little?" Felix aura changed so fast and he starting sobbing while saying things like "im sorry" its gross" ill leave" and he all felt so bad. after his fit he fell asleep and we put him to bed in the gest room and the rest went to sleep while i continued to think.

next Moring around 5:00am

i was working on my computer until i heard noises coming from the guest room. i stood up and made my way to the room and when i opened the door it felt like my heart just got crushed.

The poor boy was squirming around in his bed whimpering and mumbling things in his sleep. i knew he was having a nightmare because the same things also happened to chan a couple years ago. i went into his bed and room him into my hands, i started to say reassuring words into his ears to calm him down. he started to finally calm down and fell back to sleep peacefully. i decided to stay with him.

4 hours later felix pov

i woke and took my surroundings. i remembered what happened last night, i tried to stand up but was pulled back with large arms around me. "are you ok bubs" he asked in my ears. "y-yes im okay.." he smiled and stood up them picked me up and brought me to the kitchen i giggled because i never felt this loved in years.

when we got in i smelt delicious smelling vegetable soup it was my favorite my old friend used to make me before he passed away. i starting tearing up thinking about the memories. hyunjin noticed my smile drop and come up to me. "what wrong my ware you crying/?" i wasn't sure if i should open open but i had no other choice.

"my old friend used to make me this beofre he passed away.. he used to love it when i slipped.." changbin smiled and picked me up again and held my face in mine "you can stay here for as long as you want! we will love you!" i giggled and after breakfast i played with channie and innie for the rest of the day. "channie channie! here!" i gave him a kiss on the check and he smiled and returned it. i turned around with innie pouting.

"i dont get one?" he pouted acting sad and angry. i laughed and gave him one. i heard dramatic scoffs and turned to hyunjin dramatically holding his heard saying they are not loved by the baby. I giggled and channie picked me up so i can kiss them all.

no one pov

everyone was having fun all night then it was time for bed and everyone decided they would sleep in lee knows bed since it was the biggest and cuddle everyone.

8 months later changbin pov

its been 8 months since i took felix in. he has been the sunshine of the house and all the members love him so much. he all protect him and don't let him go out alone for safety issues. today he was in the living room in a chick onsie babbling cutely playing with his stuffy with sungie and minnie next to him. his was lovely and the ebst sight i have seen. everyone was whipped for lixie. "lixie!" he automatically looked up at me and made grabby hands. it wasn't a surprise that i was his favorite even though he loves us all. He layed his head on my chest and i knew he was tired. hyunjin and lee know helped bathed him and we put him in bed cuddling innie since he was his favorite cuddle buddy. his parents have been arrest for abuse and he seems happier then ever.

he was going to be happy and we will make sue of that, he will never have to go through that again. hes going to be her with us with his new family.

 hes going to be her with us with his new family

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