Chapter 2

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Naruto and Fu awoke to a bright morning in the lab's guest room. Sunlight streamed in through the curtains, casting a warm, golden glow across the space. Zorua, who had been nestled at the foot of their bed, yawned and stretched, its small body arching gracefully.

Fu: (stretching) Good morning, Zorua.

Naruto: (rubbing his eyes) Yeah, morning, Zorua.

Their Pokémon, Seewaddle, was still drowsy and nestled in its Poké Ball, letting out a soft, contented hum. As Fu got up from her side of the bed, she realized Naruto was still lying down with his eyes closed.

Fu: (playfully) Naruto, wake up! It's morning.

Naruto: (mumbling) Just five more minutes...

Fu couldn't help but chuckle at Naruto's sleepiness. She proceeded to change into her day clothes while Naruto finally stirred and sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

Naruto: (still half-asleep) Morning already?

Fu: (smiling) Yep, it's a new day, and we've got Pokémon to meet and a journey to begin!

Naruto: (yawning) Right, right. I'm up, I'm up.

As Naruto groggily got to his feet and began to get dressed, but forgot Fu was there because he was sleepy and changing his clothes Fu blushes seeing only in his boxer, seeing well developed body. Then Sewaddle begin nudged his head to her leg snapping out of her...descriptive thoughts.

Fu: Oh right, lets get some breakfast, come Zorua.

Zorua goes with her.

Fu: So you down stairs Naruto.

Naruto: (yawn) Yeah.

Fu and Naruto quickly finished getting dressed, albeit with a bit of an embarrassing incident. As they headed downstairs to grab breakfast, Fu led the way with Zorua by her side, while Naruto followed, still shaking off the last remnants of sleep. Seewaddle, out of its Poké Ball and looking more alert, walked alongside Naruto.

In the lab's common area, they found a small table set with breakfast essentials - fresh fruits, toast, and some juice. Professor Oak was already at the table, going through some notes, and he looked up with a warm smile as they entered.

Oak: Good morning, you two. Slept well?

Fu: (nodding) Yes, Professor Oak. Thank you for letting us stay here.

Naruto: (grinning) Yeah, it was great.

They took their seats and began to enjoy the breakfast. Fu couldn't help but notice that the lab felt more like home with every passing moment.

Oak: (sipping his coffee) So, today is a big day. You'll be setting off on your journey, meeting new Pokémon, and challenging Gym Leaders. Exciting, isn't it?

Fu: (enthusiastic) Definitely! We're ready for whatever comes our way!

Naruto: (determined) Yeah, we've trained hard for this.

As they continued to eat and chat with Professor Oak, the sun outside climbed higher into the sky, casting a radiant light over Pallet Town and marking the start of an adventure neither of them would ever forget.

After their breakfast at the lab, Professor Oak, Naruto, and Fu made their way to a charming house located not far from the laboratory. Professor Oak knocked on the door, and a pleasant woman in her mid-30s opened it. Her eyes sparkled with warmth and kindness.

Delia: (smiling) Well, if it isn't Professor Oak! It's been too long.

Oak: (grinning) Delia, it's a pleasure, as always. And these are two very promising young Trainers, Naruto and Fu.

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