Satoru Gojo

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(3rd person)

The sounds of your agonizing cries filled the empty halls of the home you shared with your boyfriend Gojo, it was December 26th, the day after the war between the Jujutsu Sorcerer and your older brother Geto and his army... 

You mourned your brother, curled in a ball as you were cradled by your boyfriend, who hadn't moved since he told you of your brother's death. All Gojo wanted to do was take this pain away from you, stop the hurting and feeling of not having your brother around anymore. 

You had cried and screamed so much that your throat was sore, your vocal cords might as well be shreaded and there weren't any more tears to cry. 

Gojo's main goal and priority was to be at your side no matter what and currently get you to at the very least calm down enough so that you could fall asleep. 

After almost 12 whole hours of sitting there you had finally stopped, you were physically and mentally exhausted. Gojo knew that. He gently got up off the floor with you in his arms and it felt good to finally stretch his long legs. He walked over to the bed you both shared and he settled down, having you lay on him, your head resting perfectly in the dip of his shoulder. 

He gently rested his hand on the top of your head while the other snuggled you in the duvet, sheilding you both from the cold weather outside and just the world in general. 

He knew that even after everything geto had done in the last ten years, ranging from him failing to protect Gojo from Toji to going out and murdering an entire villege, your parents included and then disappearing off the radar for years, You still loved geto dearly. 

Gojo wished that this war had a different outcome, one where Geto    lived...he knew you would prefer Geto be locked away in a cell rather than have him dead...

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