9 | Scorpion Beach

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Days flew by as the Pyrrhian colony settled into the new continent.

They visited the SilkWing webs, and the schools, followed by the tapestry halls the next day, all of which astounded the dragons from the distant lands. Nightstar hadn't given up his antics yet - if anything, Glory's absence encouraged him.

A week later, it was late morning, the sun's beams were just starting to filter through the Leafshade covers on the circular windows of Tsunami's cave.

Tsunami jolted awake as a gentle touch jarred her from her slumber. Blinking groggily, her eyes snapped open and she peered up at the intruder threateningly.

Then, seeing who it was, she groaned and rolled over, burying her head in her pillow again.

Riptide, with his striking aquamarine scales reflecting the sunlight streaming through the stained glass windows, stood before her. Despite her hazy mind, Tsunami's heart fluttered at the sight of him. Her boyfriend.

Yeah, they were together, but moons it wasn't just crushes. Tsunami was positively crazy about him. If only he'd feel that as strongly.

"Tsunami, wake up!" he whispered, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "You don't want to miss what's happening today!"

Tsunami begrudgingly rose from her comfortable pile of blankets, stretching her wings to shake off the remnants of sleep. Riptide's presence seemed to reinvigorate her weary body, helping cast off the last barriers of drowsiness. With a flick of her tail, Tsunami stared up at him demandingly.

"Whattttttttt in Pyrrhia have you got me up for?" She groaned.

Riptide winked cheekily, that same wink that he always did and Tsunami loathed because she loved it so much and she didn't want to have to love it.

"Does a dragon need an excuse to see his girlfriend?" He grinned.

"Does a dragon need an excuse to bite someone who woke them up early?" She growled back.

Riptide only laughed charmingly. "There's one part of me you can bite." He smirked. "It's -"

"Not relevant now." Tsunami finished with a glare, but brushed his wing affectionately as she passed. "Seriously, why did you wake me up?"

"You're late." He chimed. "And I'm pretty sure you don't want to miss this. Come on, we gotta get to the LeafSilk hall."

Rolling her eyes, Tsunami darted after him as he left the cave.

As they arrived at the LeafSilk hall, she settled down beside her closest friends, Clay's warm smile greeted her, spreading infectious joy throughout the room. Starflight was engrossed in a thick scroll, his bright eyes darting across the intricate text. Glory, adorned with her signature morning glory flower crown, nodded in Tsunami's direction, acknowledging her presence. She was clasping Nightstar close to her chest, and Deathbringer was keeping a close eye on him too. Good, Glory. Keep your devil Dragonet under control. She smirked.

Princess Hazel stepped onto the stage and addressed the room, her voice cutting through the buzz of excitement. "Dragons!"

The room fell silent.

"Today, we've got a very exciting activity in store! I know some of you will want to stay at home for this, but, those of you that want to, well it's a really fun thing to do - there's lots of activities there, bookshops, giftshops, you name it, a-and, there will be something for everyone so i'd like to encourage you all to come, and..."

At that point, Mandrake reached up and nudged her wing, he whispered to her quickly. Tsunami could overhear from where she was sitting at the front.

"Princess Hazel, miss, I think you should just tell them what it is." He suggested.

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