who's kidding who Part 2

Start from the beginning

Teak didn't know what to expect when his beta mind linked him saying they found Trespassers on Pack land. He never expected that the trespassers were his, and his betas mates. He certainly didn't expect his mate to be human. He thought he smelled Fae in her. The scent was slight as if she was trying to Cloke what she was. "What are you little one?" he said to her. She was little. The top of her head barley came to his chin. He would have to tell his brothers that he had found their mate, but Teak just wanted to keep his little mate to himself for a few more minutes. A more pressing matter though was why was his little mate in the forest barefoot. Why was she running. and why was she dressed in clothes not fit for this weather. Juniper looked at Teak as if he had lost his mind. " What kind of question is that. I'm female duh." Teak smiled. " I know you are female little princess I would have to be dead not to see that. What I'm asking is what sort of Fae are you lovey."  Juniper knew now this guy was bonkers. " I'm not Fae whatever that is. My name is Juniper Wood, and I want to go home." she said. Willow Picks now to voice her concerns. "Juni no we can't go back there the wolfmen will get us." she wailed. Teak Looked over at Willow and speaks. " You don't need to worry about the wolfmen. you and your sister are coming home with us. We will figure out the wolfmen later." Did this guy just feed into her sister's loony story. Juniper thought to herself "No we won't be going anywhere with you." But it seems Juniper was wrong again tonight. Teak picked her up, and walked back in the direction he had originally came from. Apparently taking her to his home.  

Looking in front of her as the men walked carrying her, and her wacked out sister. All Juniper could see was trees for no less than 30 minutes. Finally, Juniper thought she seen lights ahead. This must be some little town she and her sister never knew about. It would make sense that they didn't know about it. Juniper and Willow didn't Travel much outside the city. They lived near the forest on the edge of a decent sized town. It had everything they needed right there in it. As Teak kept walking the lights Turned into a rather large house. The house could only be described as a mansion.  Maybe a castle it was huge. This house could easily fit 20 of her houses inside of it. The men walked up the beautifully decorated lawn to the ornate door. Juniper had never seen anything like it. How could something this big be in her city, and she didn't know about it.  Willow was also impressed saying "So you guys are like rich or something huh?" Nico chuckled, Juniper said "Willow!" Looking completely shocked. "What Juni you thought it too admit it." Willow said with a shrug. Juniper just shook her head.

As the guys walked through the door they were met by a small girl. "Where did you go brother, we were in the middle. of a match" the girl whined. Teak had been playing video games with Lilly his younger sister when he got the mind link. " I told you dear sister. I had something pressing I had to take care of."  He told her. Teak never told his sister when there was a boarder breach, he didn't want to alarm her. "who's that" Lilly asked Teak walked Juniper over to the sofa in the living room and set her down. "This is Juniper Wood She and her sister; Willow are going to be visiting for a while" he hadn't told Lilly it was his mate. Teak felt he needed to Inform his brothers first. "Can you keep her company for a few minutes I need to contact Ash, Banyon, and Aspen really quick. I don't want to be rude." He said to Lilly. "Sure, I can I love making new friends." Lilly squealed. Lilly was 9 years old. Everyone was her friend right now, and she lived life in a constant state of excitement. 

Teak shook his head as he walked into his office. He hoped that girl would eventually calm down, but he did enjoy seeing so much happiness in one little person. Teak walked over to his desk and sat down. He had to call his brothers by phone because of the distance, and because a couple of them were around humans. He decided to make it a conference call, because it would be easier than calling them individually. He called them all and waited for them to all pick up. The first to answer was Aspen. " This better be good I was just laying down in bed with a girl who is guaranteed to put a smile on my face." he growled. " Well send her home. The news I have is guaranteed to change your mind about her, or any other woman Crawling in your bed tonight." Teak told him. Aspen was, for lack of a better term a slut. That man was a hopeless romantic. Always searching for his Misses right. Luckily for him Teak found her for them. Next came Banyon's answer "Didn't I tell you to only call me if it's important. "His voice held irritation, but curiosity was there. "It is. Life changing even." Teak said. He knew he had his attention. Ash chose this exact moment to answer. " what's up bro." Ash sounded almost grateful for the call. "Are you all alone this is an important call, and I don't want to be interrupted." Teak said into the phone. " Hold on let me send this girl on her way." Aspen said. There was a moment of silence. Then Aspen was back on the line a few seconds later saying. " Ok Teak go for it. I'm all by my lonesome." Teak simply said, " I found her. She's beautiful, and she's ours." That was all they needed to hear. His three brothers in three very different voices started all talking at once. " what's her name?" one said " What does she look like" another said "where is she" they all wanted answers but before any answers were given all three said "I'm on my way home." They hung up the phone and Teak knew it would only be hours till he had to share her.

Walking back into the living room he seen his little mate on the sofa. Lilly was sitting there cross legged in front of her trying to explain her favorite video game. His mate was lovely. She had a head full of long thick Chesnut hair. Big baby blue eyes. A little pixie like nose and full lips. She was small but not overly thin. The woman had curves. When she looked over at him, he could tell she was sleepy, and a little frightened. She looked around and spoke. "Your friend took my sister to her room." Teak smiled "its late and time we got to bed ourselves." The way he said that made Juniper even more nervous. But she had to agree she was sleepy. Teak walked over to her and picked her up in his arms. He carried her away telling his sister he would see her in the morning. " I can walk by myself you know" Juniper said. She wasn't trying to be rude, but being carried around was a little odd. " I like carrying you" he said as if it were completely normal. 

when they reached the room, it was massive. It also looked lived in. There were clothes thrown over a chair in the corner and the bed was a mess. The thing that caught her attention most was the bed, it was large enough to reach from one wall to the other. Who needed that much room on a bed, and where did he find sheets and blankets that large. "You like the bed little one." he said noticing her interest. " It's huge! I don't need a bed that big all by myself." she said. Teak laughed and said, "you won't be sleeping here alone. I will be with you." she looked at him shocked. "Oh no pal. This house is big enough that I'm sure there is an empty room somewhere. I'm not bunking with you." Teak looked at her with a strange look on his face. " Why would I send my mate off to sleep in another part of the house. You will sleep here." He then took her over to deposit her on the bed. what did he mean mate. first, he asks what I am and now he is calling me his mate. confused and a little concerned about his mental state she asks. " What do you mean mate?" Teak Told her "You are my mate, my life mate the one and only soul created to share my life. You are our other half, Together we make up a complete whole. You my little princess are mine and made for me." he said these words with so much conviction she knew he had to believe them. Rather than waist the night arguing with a crazy person she decided to sleep. Sleep was good maybe she would wake up home in her own bed and this would all be a dream.

Teak lifted the covers and crawled into bed. Juniper scooted over as far from him as she could get but, to no avail as soon as he got into bed, he snaked out his arm pulling her close to his body. When she was face to face with him, she noticed his eyes for the very first time. They were the strangest silver color she had ever seen. His eyes were beautiful. she tried to turn in his arms so that her back was to him, but he didn't let go. Instead, he pulled her closer, and buried his face in her neck.  Just as she was about to tell him how uncomfortable she was with that, when she felt his teeth on her neck followed by white hot pain. The very next thing she knew she was waking up all alone in a strange room.

Hi Guys. Sorry I didn't leave any comment at the end of the first post.

Let me start off by saying this is my very first book. The only reason i even decided to write it was because my slightly crazy twin sister asked me to. the story came to me in a dream. my sister and i always tell each other our dreams and after i finished she told me i need to write a book about that because she wants to read it. every day on our was to work we would brainstorm the characters. this story is the product of our idea's. i hope you love it as much as she does.    please like and comment any suggestions you may have thank you for reading my story.

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