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Arville, a world brimming with mystery, is a place where adventure lurks around every corner, danger looms in the shadows, and excitement permeates the very air. Within its borders, legends come to life and dreams hold tantalizing secrets, waiting to be revealed.

It was a world teeming with untamed wilderness, where there once were animal tribes that roamed around their lands and with force, protected their land. For decades, the animal tribes clashed and battled for full control of their land. As time passed, a desire for unity and peace began to stir.

Driven by peace, the tribes had traded resources to each of their lands and united on a journey to build a symbol of hope, truce and peace. After many months, they broke the barrier upon a magnificent land, settled with majestic mountains with crystal clear water. Many of the tribes had built their villages, then later on it became a city. The Land today is known as the capital of Arville, the city of New Maria, a symbol for hope and prosperity.

To help New Maria thrive, a group known as the Journeymen was formed to travel the world of Arville to gather supplies and materials to help the city and each tribe said that their ancestors had built an idol to help protect them and the treasure, the Journeymen had been successful in all but one. The Trickster's Tail, an idol built by the fox ancestors. The Journeyman's leader Alazan had been determined to find the idol and bring it back to the city. It would take a long sail to get to the idol as it is located in the Chimera Islands.

However not all was peaceful in the world of Arville. A dark and vicious group emerges from the Chimera Islands. They call themselves the SkullCrawlers, mutated animals whose origins are unknown. These sinister creatures are hungry for power and chaos and have threatened the existence of Arville. As a matter fact they had already shown their strength as they wiped out the town of San Flores and presumably they had wiped out Alazan and the Journeymen. Leaving his son Zorro and wife Skye to lead the upcoming Journeymen.

And so the stage is set for a grand adventure, Let the enchantment of Arville sweep you away, the legend of The Trickster's Tail awaits.

Welcome to the Real World of Arville

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