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Is Sunny day, We see a city that is bustling with people that going on their daily lives. This is Republic of Alaska, a last city and country in the the whole world. As, other country have been fall under into the undead, Alaska remain with the Governor have a plan to also make a safe zone for the Apocalyptic that will coming. The Whole world know that Alaska is the only nation still standing strong and preparing a defenses that will protect the state of US. With most US, Mexico
and Canada equipment are sent to Alaska for their defense on anything that will come.

But, this apocalypse was caused by a War that happen in 2280 with the Nuclear almost erase it but with a side effects that caused a mutation among the people to be infected by this. It only been nuke on some country but the latter city with the infection slowly taking the whole country as the army tried to hold off. But, it was rather a fail as they overwhelmed the military bases and Other of military with the navy have escape from the port with some country has not been taken is searching for asylum in the country. The other country leader have made a new announcement about building a wall around it border.

The Following Continent of the country that is still safe is in follow. The Europe is Spain, Italy, Romania, Ukraine, Finland, Sweden, Poland and Norway. The Africa have all it Nation that still haven't been infected except mostly in West and South. The Asia was Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, Taiwan and East Russia, which is Siberia and it was now Alaska land. Oceania which only Australia Survived as the rest is mostly the people that was infected have brought it to the overseas nation. The South America which only Brazil Survived and Lastly the North America only US state Alaska which is now turn into Country.

As, the Result the Alaska have mostly advance tech as the company from the Mainland US have reside there and made new equipment to protect the Humanity from the ever growing Undead rising. It also say that a injection of something have made the rising of the Undead but with almost 5 and a half of billion and the population of the World was almost 10 Billion people.

Now, we see in the big House that look like a White House and also where the President stay.

There, We see a Young boy not younger than 20 walking through the halfway of the White House. He is (Y/N) Allen, the son of the President as he was walking to see his father as he have some important thing to give his son. Also, on his side is Mike, a Personal Butler for (Y/N) and also acting as bodyguard.

(Y/N): So, Mike, what have my Dad want to say that it was so important?

Mike: You have to find out from your father as he was requesting you for.

(Y/N) Groan at this.

(Y/N): You know I almost win my game until Dad have call on me!

Mike: It better that you going to play least of it or you going to have both of your eyes going blind.

(Y/N): Nah, I fine!

Mike: *Sigh* I think, we here.

(Y/N): Ok, Wish me Luck than!

(Y/N) went into His Father office as Mike walk away to do his duty.

Inside the Office was a Man in his late 50s wearing a tidy suit.

James: Oh, you have arrive here.

(Y/N): Yes, Dad and what is the important thing you want me to do?

James: Well, You have a new mission now, and that is going to US to find supplies for our country and also searching the Laboratory in Montana. Well, there are few of it and it only a way to find any Cure to this situation.

(Y/N): But, wasn't it a bit hard to go alone there?

James: It was and that why you have your old team with you and the Tank you have.

Zombified World ( Male Reader x Harem) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant