What he does not know is that even though he might own the biggest tech company and a bunch of other companies, he still has a past, and the past follows you.

"Ms Ross." Marco nodded, and I stood up from my seat, giving Frederick a small smile as I left. Everyone was surprised when Marco entered the building. They could feel his presence. Frederick raised an eyebrow, and I felt his eyes linger on me for a longer time than needed.

As soon as we got out of the building, we got in the De Luca car. It was a jaguar with black tinted windows. I saw the actual beauty of Italy, of course Marco opened the window for me.

"Marco." I called out to Marco, who had his eyes straight on the road. My eyes were on the beaming lights in the city of Rome, where children were playing by the nearby buildings, and parents retired into their homes from a hard day's work. I wanted that life before I got to the mafia, now everything's changed.

"Ms Ross." He acknowledged my call. He snapped me out of my thoughts, and I remembered what I wanted to ask him.

"Why was Mr Diego acting a little suspicious?" I asked, rubbing my chin and curious to know about that little act. It's not every day that a child can threaten a parent unless the parent has something to hide.

"Quite inquisitive, are we?" His deep voice said.

"Yes." I replied as we got through the driveway.

"I'm not sure. I do not have any business with the Valentinos, but I will let you know if anything about them comes up." He said. I could always count on Marco. He knows exactly what to do and say.

"Oh. Thanks." I walked out of the car as he opened the door for me. We headed to the door, and I twisted the know, and the door easily opened.

I got home, and the whole family was there. Eating dinner, even Beau.

"Hello." I greeted as I got to the table, and Sky gave me a look that says you need to tell me where you were before I blow up.

Everyone was eating dinner. Obviously, Matteo was not there.  I put my bag on the side, and I proceeded to join them, eating dinner.

It was oddly quiet for us eating dinner. There were comments that were passed around, like normally they do. Ms. Lillian gave me a serving of chicken cacciatore, which was so good, and I enjoyed every bit of the chicken.

I was done taking a shower, and I was wearing some long plaid pants and shirt with a doodle on it. Real creative with doodle, right there.

Matteo still was not back so I was about to chill in my bedroom and read a book or something or carry on with creating the software but Sky just had to barge in, inside room accompanied by Willow.

I rolled off the bed, rolling eyes and dramatically groaning as to why they would interrupt my Kyla chill session. This is the only time I get to myself, and they ruin it.

"What?" I snapped at them, finding Willow sitting on top of my desk ridding a magazine with her legs swinging about and Skyler just sitting on the window seat.

"Well. You guys didn't just barge in here for nothing, did you?" I folded my arms.

"Umm. Right, why were we here again?" Willow asked, not taking her eyes off the magazine. I'm surrounded by idiots. Now I know how scar felt when he was contemplating his plan to the hyenas.

"Right! Bitch were you with Mr Valentino?" Sky asked and I rolled my eyes at their antics. "Yes." I replied.

"Damn! How was it?" Willow finally met my eyes, and she was smirking. "It was good." I said, not knowing how else I am going to explain this to them.

"Good?" Skyler asked with a perplexed look on her face. "Yeah, good. It was not immaculate. It was just good." I said, rolling my eyes, and she shrugged. "Okay, so..." Her sentence trailed off as someone was entering my room. My head turned to see who that person was, and it was Matteo looking a bit drunk and sad.

"We'll leave you guys alone." Sky marked as she pulled Willow along with her. "Just when it was getting good." Willow pouted, and the door closed when they walked out.

I got off bed and I took a stride to Matteo and he reaked of alcohol, he refused to meet my eyes. "Talk to me." I said as I stood closer to his towering figure.

His head raised up a slight inch, and his blue eyes were swirling with emotions, one of them being regret and anger. What could he possibly regret.

"Shit. I can't do this." I heard him murmur as I saw his hands clench on his sides. He was wearing formal clothes as if he was coming from a meeting, but now his clothes are messy and his hair is a mess, a sexy mess rather.

My hands traveled to a pink-purplish spot on his neck. It looks like a hickey. My eyebrows furrowed I'm confusion as I looked at him again.

"Matteo. What's going on here?" I asked as I forced him to look at me. My eyes softened on him as I saw his vulnerability. The more I get know Matteo, I see different parts of his personality trades, vulnerability is not one of them. He often radiates of confidence, but I could see that he was not okay.

"Kyla. You know that I care about you." He muttered with his deep voice and wrapped my arms around his torso, and I hugged him tight. He kissed my temple, and I liked the embrace he was giving me. He truly does care about me.

"Whenever you're ready." I whispered only loud enough for him to hear. "Take a seat. I have two things to tell you." He said as he sat on my bed. Just as I was about to sit next to him.

"I never said on the bed, amore." He corrected me, and I looked at him expectedly. He tapped his thigh, and I felt the heat rise up my cheeks. When he saw how reluctant I was, he pulled me by my waist, and I landed right on top of him.

"You feel so good on me." He said huskily, and I looked down, knowing that my panties wanted to get soaked by the moment.

"Matteo. The things you wanted to tell me." I cleared my throat, but clearing my throat certainly didn't clear the sexual tension. I heard a chuckle out of him, and it was a nice sound coming out of him, and Matteo barely ever laughs or smiles, but I love seeing him happy.

He told me that he was meeting Bianca's father to discuss some business relating to what happened today. I gulped because I know that he now knows about me going to Mr Valentino's company. He told me that Bianca gave him a drink and he stupidly took it because in all fairness, she could make a good bartender.

"So that's how you got this hickey?" I pointed at the pink spot on his neck. "Yeah." He muttered. I honestly wanted to laugh because he looked like a little kid with that sad look on his face. "It's okay." I said calmly, trying to suppress my laugh.

"What's so funny?" He raised a perfectly arched eyebrow. "Nothing." I wiped the smile off my face, and he pulled me closer to him, and he was tickling my sides.

"Stop! You know how ticklish I am." I giggled. "Okay. The second news is that what the hell were you doing with Mr Valentino?" He asked, and I gave him a cheeky smile.

"He just wanted to ask me a couple of questions." I said, and he nodded, not wanting to get further into it.

"Okay, the actual second news I wanted to tell you is that you and I and the familia are going to Venice." He said, and a thought came on to my mind. I smiled because that would mean that I'd get to see A one last time.

"The smile tells me that you're excited." He pecked my lips. "I do not kiss people who smell like alcohol." I put my hand against his lips.

"Lucky, I bought a mint." He smirked, popping one extremely minty mint into his mouth. He leaned in and gave me a slopy kiss. "Better?" He asked, and he did smell minty again.

"Much." I kissed him back.

Venice. Hmm? Okay? A bit suspicious, Matteo, but ay, you do you. Don't forget to vote.

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