8 - Use Somebody

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You couldn't see, move, and speak. It was almost like you were dead. You were panicking until the blindfold gets removed off you.

You were tied up to a chair, face all messed up and uniform dirty. What happened? You didn't remember a single thing. Seems like you were at the abandoned building next to school.

As your blindfold gets removed, you immediately see Jay. He had a knife and he was smirking at you, so annoying. He then kicks you, making you and your chair fall backwards.

You groan and kick your feet caused by panic. "Alright. Let's get into it, shall we?" Jay asks as he slowly takes off the tape on your mouth.

Jay places your chair back up slowly. "Listen, Y/N. I know you're close with those five girls, I'm sure you care about them. Right?"

When you hear this, you realize something bad is about to happen. You didn't want that to happen so you decide to cooperate as much as you can.

"Y-Yes, I do." You say with your lip trembling. Jay nods and walks around you like a villain.

As he was about to speak again, he chuckles. "If you don't want them getting hurt, you better listen closely." You couldn't do much, you needed to do what he said.

You nod but you really didn't want to do this. Jay smiles and points his knife at you. "I want you to stop all connections with them."

As soon as you heard this, you knew this would be impossible. Your eyes widen and rage fills your body. "I can't do that."

Jay tilts his head and raises his eyebrows. "Oh, really? Guess you'll see them at their funerals."

He brings out his phone and you realize what he's about to do. Call his friends and do something to Hyein and the girls.

"O-Okay! I'll do it, just don't do anything to them." You quickly said before he contacted his goons. Jay then closes his phone and puts it back in his pocket, coming closer to you.

He smiles. "Alrighty then, I'll let you go. But if you do anything stupid, you and your friends are dead." Jay says with a serious tone.

You don't have any intention in doing that, you just wanted to keep the girls safe. But you still couldn't trust Jay.

"How can I trust you?!" You ask before he cuts the ropes on your body. He freezes and stands back up.

"You don't have to, I'm just giving you the chance to save them."

Not having a choice, you had to believe him. You knew his gang would hurt them if you didn't listen. He proceeds to cutting the ropes and letting you go. You slowly get up and shake your hands.

Jay was still ready to attack if you suddenly charge at him, but you weren't going to do that. Instead, you walk out the building as you knew where you were.


It was raining as soon as you walk out. You didn't know what to do anymore, you had to act like strangers to the girls.

You fall down to the ground and rest your back on the building's wall. You thought about them, especially Hyein. She's your younger sister, you can't just let her go.

You look up to the rain and let the water hit your face and body.

"Seems like my emotions control the weather."

You couldn't go back to your house. You just couldn't. The amount of decisions you have to make were a handful. As you think of a place to stay, you thought about your older brother.

Lee Heeseung

Right. You never really mentioned him but he's a really good brother to you and Hyein. Unfortunately, he's gotten really busy these days trying his hardest as an idol.


You plop yourself down on Heeseung's bed, making yourself comfortable. Heeseung answered your texts earlier and picked you up.

He didn't question why you were out in the rain and beat up, don't really know why. You already showered and Heeseung gave you an extra pair of clothes to change into. He was out for practice so you had his apartment all to yourself.

You sigh as you were laying down on the bed. "How am I gonna get through this?"

As you thought about Hyein and her friends, you realized they probably were spam messaging you. You grab your phone from the bedside table and checked for messages.

99+ new messages.

'Damn.' As much as you wanted to reply to all of them, you couldn't. You knew the consequences if you texted or talked to them once.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2023 ⏰

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