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welcome, dear reader to
마자막 심장박동

before we begin,
i'd like to mention that the
people in this story are real,
some of the events that are
mention HAVE taken place.

but, any events and plotlines
that happen to the main
character are fictional.
i really want to stress this out:
i do NOT own BigHit, only my character and others i sprinkled
into the mix.


Chapter I.

HRH Nokwanda kaMisuzulu celebrates her umemulo after graduation.

HRH Nokwanda kaMisuzulu celebrates her umemulo after graduation

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Umemulo is a traditional coming of age ceremony for women. This ritual is usually done for girls stepping into the new chapter called womanhood at the age of 21, but it can be done at any stage of a woman's life, it varies and depends on the circumstances.

Princess Nokwanda is the daughter of the current king of the Zulu nation, King Misuzulu Zulu and his late wife, Queen Siphesihle who was Princess of Swaziland.

The young Princess finished her studies in her father's former college, St. Charles College in Pietermaritzburg. Excelling in her studies, she went on to celebrate her rites of passage at age 26.

It is hard to believe the eldest and only daughter of the King has now reached womanhood after growing behind the shadow of her father. Many have commented she is the spitting image of her dear mother.

 Many have commented she is the spitting image of her dear mother

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After leading a private life like the rest of her siblings, she was first seen among thousands that gathered in Nongoma - northern KwaZulu-Natal for the coronation of her father, King Misuzulu kaZwelithini

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After leading a private life like the rest of her siblings, she was first seen among thousands that gathered in Nongoma - northern KwaZulu-Natal for the coronation of her father, King Misuzulu kaZwelithini.

After leading a private life like the rest of her siblings, she was first seen among thousands that gathered in Nongoma - northern KwaZulu-Natal for the coronation of her father, King Misuzulu kaZwelithini

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The Kings wives and siblings - the princes and princesses formed part of the joyous celebrations that took place at the kwaKhangelamankengane Royal Palace well into Saturday night.

She was then seen again on Saturday, the 29th of October 2022, where King Misuzulu was officially given the certificate of recognition by the President of the Republic of South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa.

The new King took to Instagram, formally introducing them by name:

"HRH Prince Jubezizweni kaMisuzulu (Sigcau-Zulu), HRH Princess Nokwanda kaMisuzulu, HRH Prince Lwandle kaMisuzulu and HRH Mandulo kaMisuzulu ❤️❤️❤️

"HRH Prince Jubezizweni kaMisuzulu (Sigcau-Zulu), HRH Princess Nokwanda kaMisuzulu, HRH Prince Lwandle kaMisuzulu and HRH Mandulo kaMisuzulu ❤️❤️❤️#kingmisuzulucoronation"

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HRH Princess Nokwanda took to social media, sharing moments captured in her umemulo with friends and family, and other notable celebrities. Even the likes of Min Yoongi, whom goes by the stage name, Suga. The two seem to have developed a rather close friendship, since the Korean producer attended the King's coronation after his touring of South Africa.

The Princess took to caption:

HRHnokwanda_zulu • Follow

HRHnokwanda_zulu • Follow

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76, 359 likes

HRHnokwanda_zulu "I have no words. Just a full heart, surrounded by the people who matter to me most in the world."

View all 65, 756 comments
November 2022

The Singer also commented on her new Instagram page:

AgustD ✓ "How lovely it was to experience such an extraordinary, vibrant culture and the richness of it's people🙏

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AgustD "How lovely it was to experience such an extraordinary, vibrant culture and the richness of it's people🙏."

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