||chapter 2: hallucinations||

Start from the beginning


Cameron's POV


"How am I supposed to find you Mateo?" I was sitting in my room trying to come up with a plan. "I can help with that." I looked up. "Who said that?"  looking around the room I noticed that my hunting knife that was almost always on my shelf was gone. "Shit, Shit shit shit shit... Who's there?"

"Well I mean some know me some don't, it just depends on who you are." I froze. "great." I mumbled. "I'm fucking hallucinating." "well, I wouldn't say that..." "No you died 6 fucking years ago. We all cried, and felt like the world would end, because our streamer was gone... But after about a year we realized that this was more than a one time thing. Other streamers started to disappear, and showed up on one of Showfall's 'fun little shows', people are scared, any sort of livestream was abandoned because they all thought they were next... But now they aren't just targeting content creators, it's innocent people who could have had a life."

 I sighed. "We're all scared, and it won't end until we get rid of Showfall, which won't ever happen." The voice that sounded a hell of a lot like Ranboo went silent. Moments later I see what I thought nobody would ever see again. "H- how ... what?" I stuttered. "No, It's not real." I whispered to myself. "It- It's just my mind playing tricks on me." I started to pace around the room completely ignoring the college essay that was due in a week. "Are you done yet?" I jumped. "Christ, it's just my mind playing tricks on me... it's just my mind, playing tricks on me..." "I really don't think it is... I mean I can show you if you want." Ranboo held up my hunting knife. "How the fuck-?" I took a step back. "How?" 

They moved closer to me. "I really don't think your mind can make this up." Ranboo slowly pulled down the cloth face mask that always covered the lower part of their face. "Holy Fuck- I- what do you want?" My eyes widened, the smile that was plastered on Ranboo's face was neither kind nor comforting. I backed away yet again. My eyes shifted between the knife and Ranboo's face. Mustering up any courage I had left, I looked at Ranboo.

"H-" I took a deep breath. "If I didn't make this up, then how are you alive? I thought Showfall killed you..." "Does it sound anything like Showfall's style to kill one of their toys?" "No..." "Exactly." I looked at them even though all my mind was telling me to do was run. "So how did you- ... become invisible?" "ohhh, that." "yeah." "Well, it has something to do with the mind control they used on us during the show." 

"So it affected you somehow giving you the ability to 'go ghost'?" "You did not just make a Danny Phantom reference." "No, I did." Ranboo chuckled. I shouldn't have gotten a feeling of nostalgia from that but, it had been so long since I've heard a genuine laugh from a streamer. I looked at Ranboo "Alright I'm just gonna put it out there, you having your mask down kinda freaks me out." Ranboo smiled. "Not used to it?" "Yeah, and the fact that you made yourself look like a serial killer trying to prove a fucking point." 

"Hey watch your language." "Shut up, you swear too." "That was almost six years ago, and I was scared half to death." "Alright fair enough." I smiled. "Hey, I have a question." "Yeah, what's up?" I noticed Ranboo's sudden unease. "My brother-" "Mateo." Ranboo cut me off. I sighed. "Yeah... Wait! how do you know who my brother is? "Well... I may have snuck into Showfall's headquarters, and, maybe stumbled upon him." "You were looking for him, weren't you." "Not him exactly more like someone who was going to be in the show." I looked at him hopefully. "Do you think you could... sneak me in?" Ranboo avoided my eyes. "Please, I can't lose anyone else." 

"It's going to be very hard, but I might be able to." "Thank you ." I smiled.

My phone went off, youtube.

"Oh shit." My eyes widened. "what?"

"We may be in a bit of a time crunch." I proceeded to show Ranboo the notification. "So we've got a little over a week to save your brother?" "Basically, yeah." 

They sighed. "Goddamnit, why can't anything go my way." "Hey." Ranboo seemed distressed, which started to stress me out, however I knew better, and didn't let it affect me. "We got this. We CAN, do this" I gave them a thumbs up and Ranboo smiled lightly.

"Alright, lets save your brother."


Mateo's pov


Believe me when I say that Showfall sucks, I can't explain it all because, some of it is unexplainable, but Showfall fucking sucks. I was still tied to the chair, so as much as I wanted to I couldn't beat the shit out of Hetch when he walked into the room that I had been held in for almost four days. "Tired Mateo?" Hetch smiled. "Fuck off, ya cunt." "Look Mateo all the others have given in, so tell me why haven't you?" The only thing I wanted to do at the moment was beat the shit out of Them. "If you would stop being such a fucking prick, maybe I'd tell you that some people are more resistant than others, and don't like giving in to the bad guys." 

"Oh, Mateo we aren't the bad guys." "No. You are." Hetch leaned in and whispered in my ear. "Is that what your sister said, what, Ranboo said?" My eyes widened and Hetch's grin grew wide. "How-" "Or is it a mix of both Mateo?" The lump in my throat was growing by the second. "Alright be silent then. Mateo I gave you a chance, but... You didn't take it.... And now you face the consequences." It took me a second to see the syringe in Hetch's hand. "Wait-" "You had your chance Mateo." I felt a sharp pain in my neck, and about a minute later I passed out.


Creativity spike go brrrrrrrrrrrrr


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