A Place to Call His Own

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One morning, James and Sirius made their way down to the breakfast table at the Potter household. The smell of a hearty breakfast filled the air, but the usual cheerfulness in the room was slightly muted. Fleamont Potter, James's father, was sitting at the table, engrossed in the Daily Prophet. He was usually a man of few words during the morning meal, but today, he seemed particularly focused.

James couldn't help but notice the headline of the newspaper, which read 'Dark Forces Stirring: Ministry Takes Action.' The mention of dark forces sent a chill down his spine. 

As they began to eat, a delivery owl swooped in through the open window, carrying a letter addressed to Sirius. The distinctive seal of the Black family adorned the envelope, and it bore the news of his uncle Alphard's passing.

Sirius's expression shifted from curiosity to surprise and then to a mix of emotions as he read aloud the contents of the letter. His uncle Alphard was dead. It was a bittersweet moment as Sirius contemplated the loss of the family member who had defied the traditional Black ideology and helped him find a path of independence.

"I'm so sorry mate." James said. He knew that Alphard had been one of the only family members that had cared about Sirius.

As he continued to read, it became clear that Alphard had left Sirius a substantial sum of money. The amount was more than Sirius had ever imagined, and it held the potential to provide him with greater freedom and opportunities than he had ever known.

Sirius didn't finish his breakfast. James noticed but decided not to push him.

"Hey, Padfoot... I was thinking today would be the perfect day to take our brooms up into the forestry?" He suggested, trying to think of a way to take Sirius's mind off things.

"Sure." Sirius responded, his eyes fixed on the piece of parchment in his hand.

"Great." James replied enthusiastically, getting to his feet and gathering both of their brooms from the cupboard in the hallway.

As they reached the edge of the forest, the towering trees provided a natural canopy that blocked out the bright sun. It was a secluded spot, away from the prying eyes of muggles, where they didn't have to worry about being seen.

With broomsticks in hand, they took flight, James's laughter and the whooshing sound of the wind against them echoing through the trees. For a while, they soared through the air. It was an exhilarating and freeing experience, but James noticed that Sirius wasn't himself. He had been quiet, and hadn't been as eager to compete with James as usual.

The forest around them was alive with the sounds of nature, the soft rustling of leaves and chirping of birds. 

They landed in a clearing and sat on the grass to catch their breaths.

"Are you okay?" James asked, concerned about how quiet Sirius had been. Sirius only nodded in response, picking blades of grass out of the ground.

They walked back home in silence which was only occasionally broken by silly jokes and comments from James trying to lighten the mood. The weight of the news about his uncle Alphard's passing and the substantial inheritance he had received was heavy on Sirius's mind. Finally, as the trees of the forest gave way to their familiar neighbourhood, he turned to James.

"Prongs... I've been thinking about the money, and how it could make a real difference in my life. I want to have a place of my own, something I can call home." Sirius began. James was taken aback. It was the most that Sirius had said all morning.

James nodded in understanding. 

"I get that, Padfoot, I really do. But you need to know that you're always welcome here. My home is your home too."

Sirius's eyes reflected gratitude as he replied. 

"I know, Prongs, and I appreciate that more than I can express. But having a place of my own, away from the shadows of Grimmauld Place, would mean the world to me. It's about starting fresh, being independent, and leaving behind the darkness that's haunted my family for so long."

James understood the significance of Sirius's decision and gave him a supportive smile. 

Over the next couple of days, James and Sirius embarked on a determined mission to find a suitable home for Sirius. James had made it clear that Sirius was more than welcome to stay with him and his family, but Sirius's excitement about having a place of his own was undeniable. It wasn't just about escaping the toxic environment of Grimmauld Place, it was about independence, freedom, and a fresh start.

They scoured the advertisements in the Daily Prophet and visited various properties in Diagon Alley and the surrounding wizarding communities. Each house had its own charm, but Sirius had a clear vision in mind. He wanted a place that felt like his own sanctuary, far removed from the dark influences of his family.

After days of searching, they stumbled upon a quaint and cosy cottage tucked away in a picturesque part of Mould-on-the-Wold. It had a charming garden, a small library, and a large fireplace. The moment Sirius stepped through the front door, he knew he had found his new home.

With James's support, they negotiated the purchase, and Sirius soon became the proud owner of the cottage. 

After receiving the keys, the two boys sat on the wooden floor of the living room in front of the empty fireplace. The house was filled with possibilities, but void of furniture. 

"We should write to Moony and Wormtail to tell them the good news. They'll be thrilled!" James suggested. 

"You're right Prongs... I'm going to invite them over. I think I need a house warming party or something. This is really underwhelming in comparison to how I pictured it in my mind." Sirius admitted.

Sirius got to his feet and walked over to the small cardboard box of his belongings that sat by the door. He rummaged through his few belongings and pulled out a quill and some parchment, before sitting back down on the floor across from James. 

He scribbled two quick notes and silently sent them away with his owl.

"I've asked them to come over tomorrow." Sirius said after a moment.

"Then we'd better go out and get some food and drinks... And maybe some seats." James responded with a grin. 

Sirius's enthusiasm grew as he contemplated the idea. "That sounds perfect, Prongs. Let's go shopping and make this place feel like a home, not just an empty house."

With a plan in place, the two friends set off for some local shops, ready to fill the new house with all the essentials for a memorable gathering with Moony and Wormtail.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2023 ⏰

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