The Patronus Pact

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Before James knew it, January was over, and February had began. He couldn't believe that they were already half way through the school year. It felt as though it had only begun. 

Whilst the days were getting longer, they still weren't getting warmer. Frost coated the early morning landscape in a white covering, and the Black Lake lay still, partially frozen, the giant squid hiding somewhere underneath. 

James's feet crunched on the frosty grass as he made his way back inside the castle after early morning Quidditch practice with his best friend, Sirius Black. Sirius was bundled up in his thickest robes, his breath visible in the air as the two boys walked side by side. 

They quickly showered, got dressed and headed down to the Great Hall for breakfast, where Peter and Remus were already sat. Peter munched away, toast crumbs falling down the front of his robes, as Remus watched in silence, sipping on a hot mug of tea. 

After breakfast, the four boys made their way to their first lesson of the day, Defence Against the Dark Arts. 

"Today, you will be learning all about the patronus charm." Professor Johnson's voice boomed around the classroom as he wrote on the blackboard at the front of the room. 

Professor Johnson, a skilled and compassionate teacher, began by explaining the significance of the patronus, a powerful magical guardian that could repel Dementors and other dark creatures. He emphasized the importance of happy and powerful memories as the driving force behind this protective spell.

"The incantation means 'I await a guardian'." He stated, once again scribbling on the board. 

Expecto Patronum.

For the first half of the lesson, the Professor explained the history of the charm, how it works, and how difficult the charm was to master. 

As they reached the second half of the lesson, Professor Johnson sensed the mix of excitement and nervousness that filled the room. It was the moment they had all been waiting for - the opportunity to attempt the patronus charm.

He encouraged the students to think of their happiest memory, the one that filled their hearts with pure joy, and with a reassuring smile, he declared, "Now, it's time to give it a try. Remember, it's perfectly normal if you don't succeed on your first attempt. This is advanced magic."

The students got to their feet and began practicing the incantation. Silvery wisps filled the air, and James looked around in excitement, before drawing his wand.

"Expecto patronum." He announced confidently.

A small silver slither escaped the end of his wand before vanishing into thin air. 

James glanced around at his friends. 

"Like this, Wormtail." Remus smiled, guiding Peter's hand.

Sirius's brows were furrowed in concentration as he flicked his wand with determination. 

James closed his eyes and took a deep breath. The sounds of the room faded into the background as he pictured his happiest thoughts. Gryffindor winning the Quidditch house cup, receiving the letter asking him to be the Quidditch captain, morphing into his animagus form for the first time and finally being able to be there for Remus during the full moon, stifling his laughter in the great hall after an infamous prank. He smiled and allowed the memories to flood his mind.

"Expecto patronum!" He announced, feeling the memories surge through his body, leap through his the skin of his palm and race down the core of his wand, before erupting out of the end of it.

James heard a gasp and opened his eyes to see a radiant silvery stag burst from the end of his wand and prance proudly around the room before dispersing into ethereal mist.

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