Heart to Heart

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'....' And I had no words left to retaliate back.

'You can test me if you want.' His statement surprised me, 'In any way you want!' My eyes grew wide, 'I'll prove to you that I won't change!' And a few tears rolled down my cheeks. He looked desperate and it felt like he was even more desperate than my wolf.

Silence came over as neither of us spoke for a moment. My heart silently trembled at his words. My mind was reluctant but my heart wanted him.

My feelings kept telling me to embrace him. To let all other thoughts fade away. My heart asked me, 'Isn't what he's shown us enough?'

I could not refute that. I could tell he was sincere in his words.

I looked away, 'I'm done with my assignment,' I said, 'I need to get back to get started on the painting...'

'Amara,' I knew he wanted to say something but I chose to speak first.

'Give me time,' I said as I stood up and got on all fours, 'I need time to think.' I stepped away.

'...' I was looking away but I knew he had his eyes on me, 'I see,' He sighed, 'I'll take you to the edge...'



My eyes fluttered open and I let out a soft breath of relief. I didn't expect it, but I had slept so nicely~ I stretched my arms and legs happily and while stretching I turned to the side which instantly made me freeze.

I had momentarily forgotten where I was.

Asher was staring at me with a smile plastered on his face.

I jumped back in horror, it only took me a millisecond to respond, I even tried to get up but because I had just woken up, my legs didn't comply and I fell down halfway up and landed on my butt.


Asher didn't move from his place. He was lying sideways with his elbow on the ground and the side of his face in the palm of his hand as he watched me with a smirk.

"Morning," He said as the pain shot up in my ass.

I pursed my lips and looked away, "Morning..." I said softly.

"I see you slept nicely," He was in his human form right now and I could tell he was going to tease me.

"You slept better." I cleared my throat, "I only slept with you to protect you."

A chuckle escaped his lips, "Is that so?"

I stood up, "Of course," I patted my butt, "I had to save your sorry ass from that tiger yesterday too," I glanced at him, "Remember that?" I chose to act tough, "With how high you were I decided to stay and make sure you were safe."

He sat up, folding his legs and folding his arms, "Oh?" He had a mischievous glint in his eyes, "I'm sure you did that out of guilt though."


My heart skipped a beat at his words, "What?" The word just escaped my mouth on its own.

His expression didn't change, "What?" His smirk only got wider, "Did you think I wouldn't find out you drugged me?"

My heart started racing, "M-me?" I almost panicked, "Why would I drug you?" I stood my ground and he stood up with a jump.

"I don't know," He was wearing his pants but not his shirt, "You tell me." He began to step closer towards me but I wanted to stand my ground.

"I didn't do it," I folded my arms, "Why would I drug you?" I looked at his face, "What even made you think I drugged you and it wasn't you who drank senselessly at the opening party?"

He stopped right in front of me, barely a few inches away, "You know what gave it away?" He looked at me up and down, making my heart skip a beat, "You," He pointed at me with his index finger, "Staying with me out of your own free will."


I slapped his finger away, "I said," His eyes followed his finger that got turned away, and then he looked back at me as he folded his finger back in his fist, "I stayed to protect you. You would have ended up in serious trouble without me." I looked straight into his eyes and he did the same.

"And," He didn't get angry, "I said, you, did it out of guilt." He shook his head slowly, "Because you would never do it out of your own free will. You did it solely because if anything happened to me, it would be your fault."


I felt infuriated. How was his guess so accurate??! He's got to be bluffing to get to me!

"You got no proof." I said, trying to keep myself calm, "That I drugged you. Because I didn't," I let out a huff, "You should start drinking in moderation."

He chuckled, "Well," He seemed amused, "For once, I only had one glass of champagne."


My expression faltered,


The dread started creeping up in my chest as he continued, "I only stayed out late because I had things I wanted to," He paused and I saw the glint in his eyes again, " 'Investigate'." He searched my eyes, looking for something he could probably see.

My fear.

"So?" I tried to remain confident, "Someone might have drugged your drink."

"Yes," He nodded, "You," He seemed so confident, it was unnerving.

"It wasn't me."

He let out another chuckle which was louder than the last, "God!" He threw his head back, "You sure are a cutie!" Then he looked back at me with a toothy smile. Looking at me like I was some sort of adorable plushie.


"What?" It confused the hell out of me.

"I love how you're doing your best to deny it."

I frowned, "I said, it wasn't me!"

"My eyes are enough." He leaned in closer to me,

"What?!" My heart did a flip at his words.

"I saw you, Nico Roy," My eyes went wide at his words, "I saw you put the drug in all the water bottles."


His Mute Omega [Lost Mates Book 2]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant