New Inazuma Japan

Start from the beginning

Kariya: Hope things like before won't happen again. Thanks to some confusion, FFI V2 have to revised back into normal FFI.

Hakuryuu: Why you think Keshin and Keshin Armed were allowed? Not to mention, new power will be revealed. The ones these players haven't gotten yet.

Kariya: Yeah... I wonder how harsh would you treat them.

Hakuryuu: For their sake, as much as I need to be.

As the matches continues, even Raimon players placed in different random teams. While many players across different teams are doing their best, very few are playing without breaking a sweat. Among the players, there's a large built player who even break through the whole field just to score a goal. There even a certain tall and small players who work together, manage to keep them from losing any points. While main striker of the team are struggling, there is a single striker who keep his cool and didn't fail to score. There even a certain midfielder who able to passing the ball successfully toward his teammates. Hakuryuu continue to observe the players, and even notice the real difference between all of them, as he smirk.

Kariya: Made up your mind yet?

Hakuryuu: Yes. I know who to pick.

The teams keep taking turn in having the match until all of them are done.

(Time Skip)

The matches continue until it is over. After taking a short break, the players all gathered at the field again. Hakuryuu stand on the stage once again and face the players.

Hakuryuu: Good work, all of you. Unfortunately, very little of you truly impress me. Many of you are not even the ones I wanted to be part of Japan's representatives.

This make others gasp in surprise, and look at each other. Hakuryuu silence them by raising his hand, as he take out a list of players he have chosen.

Hakuryuu: From dozens of you, only sixteen of you will be chosen. I will now pronounce the name of each players that will be part of the team.

Nearly all of them were nervous about it.

Hakuryuu: Then chosen members are...

Minamoto Takumi》

Takumi: ...

Akai Kirishima

Kirishima: Yes, sir!

Mito Fuyu》

Fuyu: Eh? Y-Yes, sir.

Yukimura Nanae》

Nanae: All right!

Okami Kiba》

Kiba: Yes, sir.

Katsuragi Isamu》

Isamu: *smirk* Heh.

《Kazami Haruki》

Haruki: Yes, sir.

《Kishibe Tsukasa》

Tsukasa: Yes, sir!

《Jito Hitoshi》

Hitoshi: Heheh.

《Hazama Higashi》

Inazuma Eleven: Ore Tachi no Soccer Damashi (FFI/Rewrite) Where stories live. Discover now