Day One: Short Shorts

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The next morning I woke up to an unfamiliar, but pleasant feeling: freshly shaven legs on silk sheets. I have never felt comfort quite like it, I could just slide immediately into a new position with so little resistance it felt as if I were sleeping on a cloud. When I stood up and stretched I had forgotten what I was wearing, a pair of Maddie's panties, these ones were pink with little yellow flowers on them. Over the panties were some short burgundy sleeping shorts and a matching camisole, that's what Maddie called it. It was strange wearing a shirt that was only held up by tiny strings.

I made my way downstairs and Maddie was wearing a matching sleep set, but hers were bright blue. She sipped from a mug filled with hot chocolate, she pointed to another steaming cup on the counter.

"I heard you get up," she said.

I gratefully took the cup, the lack of humidity in Utah made it feel much cooler, and Maddie liked to have the windows open in the morning. It was maddening, having to look at her amazing form while she wore something so personal.

"How'd you sleep?" She asked. "I told you that silk with shaved legs was heavenly! Was I wrong?"

I shook my head. "Not at all, it was divine."

"And how was this?" She placed her hand on my chest and rubbed the soft material all over my body. "Did you enjoy how soft it was?"

The way she was teasing me was driving me wild! "It was nice." I finally stammered out.

"Only nice?" She got closer to me, one arm wrapped around my back, the other placed her mug on the counter before she reached around and lightly patted my ass.

"No," I swallowed. "It was so soft I almost forgot I was wearing them."

She broke away from me. "I think so too." She stepped around the corner and called back, "I'm going to take a shower." Her blue top flew around the corner and landed on the floor.

I was about to lose it and made my way to the restroom for some much needed relief.

After she was showered she came downstairs wearing a pretty, yet simple red sundress. I was still in my, or rather her, pajamas.

"You haven't changed yet?" She asked, ruffling her hair with her towel.

I blushed a little bit. "I don't know what to wear. I didn't want to take something you don't want me wearing."

She smiled. "That's so considerate! My dear cousin, my closet is your closet."

I blushed deeper somehow. I never imagined myself wearing girls clothes, let alone having to wear them. "I still don't want to grab the wrong thing. I don't know if something is special to you or something."

She sat next to me and placed her hand on my shaven knee. Her hand was soft and her touch gentle. "Would you like me to lay out some outfits for you to choose from?"

"That would be nice," I admitted. "If I have to dress as a girl, I might as well look nice while doing it."

She giggled and clapped her hands. "Thirty days of a dress up doll! I'm so glad you agreed to this and not some secondhand store."

I sat thinking about how comfortable the pajamas were and how much softer the shorts I wore last night were as well. "I'm glad too, this could be fun!"

She jumped up, "why don't you go take a shower, and I'll have two cute outfits laid out for you. Oh! We can make it a morning routine! This is gonna be great!" She ran upstairs.

I sheepishly followed her upstairs. As she turned into her room I turned into the bathroom and enjoyed a warm shower.

When I returned to my room I saw two outfits on the bed. One was a cute brown dress, with blue accents. A pair of boots lay just under them, with a blue head band above it.

"She's kidding, right?" I may be ok with dressing as a girl, but I wasn't going to wear a dress!

The other outfit was another pair of denim shorts, this one ending just above the knees. There was a baby pink top, the sleeves would just barely cap my shoulders. Below them were a pair of converse shoes. There wasn't a hair accessory with this outfit.

In between the two outfits where a plain yellow pair of panties, and a matching bra.

I held up the bra, "Now I know she's joking."

"Not in the slightest!" She said behind me.

I jumped, nearly losing the towel wrapped around my waist in the process. "What the hell, Maddie?"

She giggled again, "I wanted to see your reaction."

"Get out and let me get dressed!"

She backed out of the room without saying a word.

I turned back to my decision, not that it was a big one. I slid the yellow panties up my shaved legs. I really enjoyed that feeling, it was so nice! Like gently running your fingers through the surface of a pool. I looked at the bra and decided to leave it behind. That was not happening. I quickly put the shorts and the shirt on. Again, shocked by how soft they were.

When I returned to the living room, Maddie looked at me.

"No, bra?" She asked, disappointed.

"Why should I wear one? I'm only borrowing your clothes. I'm not a girl."

"Erin, with an 'E', you look like a girl. A cute one I might add. You've looked in the mirror right?"

I turned to look in the mirror that hung in the hallway. My hair was loose and hanging near my ears. The soft shirt made my features look more feminine for sure, but I still thought I looked more androgynous than anything else.

"Girls our age wear bras, my beautiful cousin." She wrapped her arms around me and kissed my cheek. "And you are a cute girl, so you need a bra." She cupped my pecs. They were chiseled and could fill a small bra.

I rested one hand on hers. Hesitant.

She picked up on it. "Look, Aaron, I know I'm being pushy. I just thought it would be fun to be two girl cousins on their this trip. We're already super close as boy and girl, but think how much closer we'd be if we were both girls!"

In my mind an image popped up of Maddie getting dressed in front of me because we were both girls. I liked that image. The downside was I would be wearing lingerie too, but that would be the only way I'd see her like that. I decided it wasn't that much of a sacrifice.

"I can be Erin with an 'E' for the month I think. But you'll have to teach me things."

Maddie smiled warmly. "Let's start with how to put on a bra." She pulled me back up the stairs.

After she got the bra on me, I began to see what she was saying. With the shaved legs, and maybe a b-cup breast, I could definitely see a girl instead of an androgynous boy.

"It's pretty rainy today," she said as she brushed my hair. "We'll go to the aquarium today since you said you'd like to go."

I swallowed, but didn't think blending in would be a problem. We both knew sign language so I can just sign to her and she can translate if we need to talk to anyone.

We grabbed a couple purses and I took my first steps outside as Erin, with an 'E'.

The trip to the aquarium was a lot of fun, we mostly walked around and looked at the fish, and the tropical bird exhibit they had. There were many times when Maddie grabbed my hand and dragged me to an enclosure. We liked the otters the most, they were super cute!

The rest of the day was spent at her house. We laid on opposite sides of the couch, our legs intertwined. She teased me mercilessly about her clothes, but it was a nice way to start the trip.

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