A Month in the Mountains

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"This is your pilot speaking," a voice crackled over the intercom. "We'll be making our final decent into Salt Lake City and landing in about thirty minutes. Please fasten your seatbelts and place your trays in the upright position."

I did as was instructed. I kept my Switch out though, the flight attendant assured me it could stay out till the last ten minutes of the flight. It's been a long one too. Coming from Atlanta, it's a long haul with a layover in Chicago. I was ready to get out of this plane and stretch my legs in the mountain air of Utah. It's looking to be a beautiful fall and I couldn't wait to go hiking in the canyons.

I'll be staying with my cousin, Maddie, for the next month as our moms take a Mediterranean cruise and spend some time in Italy. I wasn't upset that I got left behind, I had no interest in flying across the ocean. I wouldn't mind going on a Caribbean cruise but the Mediterranean is just too far away!

The plane jerked as it hit the tarmac. The sound in the cabin increasing as rumbling returned. The plane slowed and we taxied into place. I stood up, even though I was in the back of the plane and wouldn't get out for a bit, I needed to stretch my legs. Finally, it was my turn. I grabbed my carry-on and made my way to the terminal.

The airport was newly remodeled since I was here last. It seemed as if I was going in circles and I walked for what felt like a mile before making it to baggage claim.

As I descended the escalator I saw Maddie waving up at me. She was gorgeous. I know she's my cousin, but she was my first crush; and you know what they say about first crushes, you never forget them. She was shorter than me, not by much, maybe a few inches. She was slim and had long curly blonde hair. She wore a tight white T-shirt, accentuating her boobs. I didn't know what bra size she was but, I could fit one in my hand. Hip-higher jeans and some brown boots completed her outfit. She was a bombshell, no doubt about it.

I wanted to ask her out and do other things but it wasn't possible. She's my cousin! Why does she have to be my cousin? I once again told myself the thing my dad said before he took off, "You can look, but don't touch. Be respectful, son." Ironic, since he left me and mom when I was seven. But it's a good lesson anyway, be respectful.

"Aaron!" Maddie squealed giving me a massive hug.

"It's good to see you Mads!" I returned her hug, dropping my bag.

I felt terribly drab next to her. I wore an old baggy T-shirt and some joggers. My hair was a little stringy as well. I should've dressed a little better.

"Your arms are bigger," she said offhandedly.

"Yeah," I flexed. "I've lost some belly fat too. The gym routine you sent me has been great!"

She waved it off, "Glad I could help. Now let's get your bags."

"Bag," I corrected. "I thought I'd just use your washing machine. I only brought a weeks worth of clothes and some climbing gear."

"Sounds good to me." She took my hand, "Baggage claim is this way."

We took a place inside the ring of fellow passengers from my flight. The bags started to arrive, slowly at first but then faster and faster. Once the last passenger grabbed their bag and left, I got a sinking feeling in my stomach. My bag wasn't there.

"Oh, man." I sighed. My luggage was lost.

Maddie gave me a sorrowful glance.

We made our way to the lost luggage office and placed a claim. I was reminded of the old skit by Jeff Foxworthy of how having a job at lost luggage was like having a job emptying port-a-potty's. You're gonna catch a bunch of crap all day long.

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